Title: Femme Fatale
desiqtie Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sirius/girl!Harry, LV/girl!Harry
Other Characters: Snape
Word Count: 1,243
Warnings: Dark, Major (Graphic) Character Death, Graphic Smut
Summary: AU. Riddle's diary went to girl!Harry instead of Ginny and he managed to regain a body but without girl!Harry's death. Seven years later, he's still obsessed with her...and Sirius does not like to share.
Femme Fatale Title: Breakfast
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sirius/girl!Harry
Word Count: 133
Summary: AU. It's girl!Harry's b'day and her parents want to know what she wants for breakfast. ;-)
Breakfast If you like the above two fics, check out my
HP Fic Masterlist. Pretty much all of my fic features Sirius and girl!Harry as the two main characters.