Title: House in the Country
Author: Firebird
Rating: R
Summary: When Harry starts work as an Unspeakable, he stumbles upon a country house hiding the most impossible secrets. Strange facts come to light that shatter Harry's understanding of what happened to Sirius. Novel-length, complete.
http://archive.skyehawke.com/story.php?no=4111 *
Title: Why Two Feet Are Better Than Four
Author: Fleshdress
Rating: PGish
Author's notes: Absolute fluff that had the criteria of Harry being older than eighteen, which he is here so I consider it sorted! I made it Christmassy too, I just couldn’t resist. Big thanks to sstar_luna for organizing this and putting up with my ditziness.
http://community.livejournal.com/sirry_slash/43221.html *
Title: The Measure of Your Worth
Author: Amanuensis
Rating: Mature
Summary: Even when you get the thing you most want, there's still a denouement to your story.
Categories: Drama/Angst
Notes: Written for the Merry Smutmas secret Santa smutty fic exchange for Nutmeg. Many thanks to my selfless betas Isis and Sobriquet.
http://www.amanuensis1.com/themeasureofyourworth.html *
Title: Cave Canem
Author: Maeglin Yedi
Rating: NC17
Summary: Harry has to profess his sexual attraction to his current Transfiguration professor during a game of Truth or Dare.