Harry-lover88's Rec-October#7
*FICLET- Romilda's Chocolate Mistake By: SunShineMistress
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8574190/1/Romilda-s-Chocolate-MistakeI Super Like this little ficlet in Romilda's POV in anticipation of her trying to give Harry the spiked choco cauldrons and why she liked him. It really felt very Rommy.
*DRABBLE-Oliver Wood/Romilda Vane (R) by MUGGLECHUMP
http://hp-humpdrabbles.livejournal.com/11376.html#three I'm fond of Rommy/Oliver and this was SOOOO Sweet and SEXYYYYYY.
*FIC- Romilda's Wistful Desire By: BehindTheClouds
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3573793/1/Romilda-s-Wistful-Desire I LOVEEE how this fleshed out Rommy a little and give her a backstory and friend-with-names.
* FIC- Quill Pro Quo By: shiiki
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3252447/1/Quill-Pro-Quohttp://www.fictionalley.org/authors/shiiki/QPQ01.html This fic was SOOOOO FUNNY. and Really loveeeeee Rommy's POV here too. And Luna was soooo cute too!
*Art- December 25th by AbbyTLaRue
http://abbytlarue.deviantart.com/art/December-25th-344679087 I Totally looveeee the concept of Romilda and Colin Creevey being friends and part of the Harry Potter Fanclub together.