
Sep 03, 2009 10:47

I recently sent a parcel to my cousin that included:
* Caesars of the Wilderness, the sequel to Company of Adventurers, Peter Newman's book about the Hudson's Bay Company that I had left with her, because her boyfriend and her brother both seemed interested in reading it when I visited.
* A bottle of blueberry syrup, because apparently, it isn't common in Ontario, not even in prime blueberry growing parts of the province.
* A book of railway pictures, because she thought my uncle might like it. I had seen a few good railway books after visiting Vistas, a show about the art of the Canadian Pacific Railway at the Glenbow Museum earlier this summer.
* A box of Bernard Callebault chocolate, because I took her and her boyfriend to visit the chocolate factory when they were passing through town.
* A running jacket, because there is a bit of a family tradition and an inside joke about this.
* Some photos

Yesterday, I was wondering if she had gotten it. Later in the evening, she phoned and said that she was feeling a bit down yesterday. when she got home, the parcel was there, and that it gave her a boost. Her father liked the railway book too. Yay! She ate most of the chocolate herself, but that's all right. We had a good talk on the phone. She's about ten years younger than I am, so we aren't as close as I am with some other cousins, who are closer to my age. I hope that I can maintain a good link with that branch of the family, even though we are far apart since I moved west.
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