Sep 17, 2004 09:51
If he had tried to trip over Hermione, I would have left him alone. If he had tried to knock her into the wall, I would have helped her and walked on by - but when Malfoy sends a stumbling curse her way during the middle of one of Hagrid's classes when we're dealing with Kappas, half drowns her and makes Ron and I have to round up a batch of hysterical sub-human creatures whilst the rest of the class have scattered back up to the castle .... then I have reason to get pissed off.
The foul Toad Wart decided it would be hysterically hilarious to make Hermione fall into the pool full of the slimy Water Gits and the fact they held her under for ages until Ron glanced the situation just made her all the more tearful when she resurfaced, hair yanked about and sopping wet. Why did no-one else notice you ask? Ferret Features was a sly fuck as usual and did it whilst Hagrid was giving the class a presentation so everybody's backs were turned. Or at least, all the Gryffindor backs. Insert glower here.
Ron, as you can imagine, was just slightly more furious than I was and I ended up holding Hermione and saying pointlessly soothing things as he sent a Red Rash curse at Malfoy. Things turned particularly nasty when Malfoy upturned Ron in mid-air and because of Hermione I couldn't get to my wand soon enough, so just seconds after Hagrid noticed what was going on Rodent Boy flicked his wand and Ron landed on his face full-on. Of course, everything was split up before I could find the Severing Hex to teach him a lesson and now Ron and I have detention with him on Monday sorting out Hagrid's Jarveys into their respective boxes before the seventh year's lessons. Urgh.
Anyway, aside from the fact MALFOY WILL DIE for this soon enough on the Quidditch Pitch where we all have a free-enough reign, I've been flunking Potions (again) as of late as Snape seems to have morphed into an even more violent and twisted version of himself than per usual. Twenty points from Gryffindor for having Goyle knock into me and my phial on purpose, I ask you. S'more than a little steep, its downright bloody unfair. My Gloating Potion is always under the thickness requirements and the last time I tried to do it it turned out a sort of murky violet whilst everyone else's was a dull green. Then again I was paired with Neville (sorry, Neville) so I should have expected disaster to have been waiting in the aisles. I'd ask Hermione to help me but she's got a cold now because of Malfoy's bastard Slytherin "wit" and has been more irritable than ever since she sneezed her entire wad of Ancient Runes notes into the Common Room fire this afternoon. I'm desperate but I'm not stupid.
Remus hasn't written back yet, I'm getting quite worried. I sent him an Owl Thursday concerning ... Sirius and stuff. We all miss him but I think Lupin's going through a seriously rough patch since he was Sirius's childhood friend and everything. Maybe I should write another to him. Everyone is more down and prone to snap these days, especially me, I've been told. I don't see it personally. I don't want to do anything, not really, not even fight, which I suppose explains Ron landing on his face, I mean, could I have moved faster if I'd have wanted to? Stopped Malfoy altogether?
Quidditch is the only really decent thing here to take my mind off things and even thats becoming tame now that I'm the one planning tactics to run over every practice. Its saps the fun out of it, being given strategy after strategy, you can see it in everyone's eyes just before we leave the changing rooms. Things were so much easier when I was a first year.
I wonder if Hermione still has access to a Time Turner ...? JOKE, I'm joking, Hermione, please don't gut me over my Potion's notes.
Oh, and is it me, or has Nearly Headless Nick been carrying about ghostly looking flowers and chocolates lately? Whats up with that?