Basically I'm just posting to get some of the giddiness out of my system from playing Omochabako no Kuni no Alice. Most, if not all of it will be Joker related. Anything beyond this point could be a spoiler for those who haven't played it(so you've been warned).
*jumping up and down*
I'm so excited! I just finished all the Joker routes(which is the main reason I got the game). The other characters were fun too, but since it was only a fan disk, I was mainly interested in seeing more of the characters we know the least about.
Every time I see a scene with both White and Black Joker in it, I always think Black makes an excellent lie detector. Alice should start showing concern for herself whenever Black goes dead silent(a.k.a ".........."). It's generally a sign that White is telling a lie the size of Texas that will be extremely detrimental to her well being. I'm still trying to understand why Black can't just point out White's lies right there. So far I'm just assuming it's related to the rules and their shared roles in Wonderland. And although both Jokers lie, it seems that White's lies are for his own benefit, while Black's lies are for Alice's sake. And they both seem to enjoy pointing out each others less significant lies(as in the lies not directly connected to their prison roles).
I was quite surprised by Black's fushigi route end. As opposed to his parody end, and his circus end(in JnK), this one was much more depressing. And in the end I was trying to figure out whether he was happy or not that Alice was captured. When I consider that the Jokers are actually very much alike, I think he must have been pretty happy because White is absolutely obsessed with the idea. Of course White's fushigi end was very different too. I thought that even though it had some crazy moments, it ended rather cute. It also makes me wonder what the Joker's really want from Alice. I find it hard to believe that they want her to just be miserable and rot for the rest of her life in their prison. They seem to love playing with her, and I assume White's obsession with getting her in the prison is more related to being over-possessive than delighting in her misfortune. So are they simply lonely or what?
From playing the parody routes it seems like Black can be much more honest about his feelings with Alice in the world of toy box. Since he isn't associated with his prison warden role, the rules seem to be more lax there. I wish that aspect had been explored more. Too bad the game is so short. And White...his psyche scares me(which makes him all the more loveable). You'd think he could relax more in the world of toy box too, but he's up to the same tricks. Does he think he must have Alice behind bars to keep her all to himself? I don't know what is going on there.
After playing the fushigi routes and the parody routes I'm left wondering if the parody storyline is connected to the end of the fushigi Joker routes. They may be entirely separate, but I think it's possible that they are related.