Me look gay? Never ;)

Nov 22, 2004 22:47 Well I woke up an hour late cuz I was gonna do some homework at 5:30 but I woke up at 6:30 so it was kinda Fubar'd but I got some of it done. I wore my NEW SHIRT with a scarf and a beanie and coords and converse and felt like I was straight out of a gap commercial (it was kinda fun actually). My mom just looked at me for awhile without saying anything then told me I looked gay or something like that. I figure that must have been a compliment because gay people dress way better than anyone else on this planet! Ummmm got to school and sat for a bit with my twin jenny (we matched today!) and a bunch of other people then went to APUSH and was relieved that we didn't end up taking the Quiz-o-rama today cuz I would have failed it misserably. My next class was stupid like it always is and I felt really bad because Karin was like crying in class and I really cant stand to see my friends cry especially when I cant help! Anyway I made it through that class without crying myself because she was and had an ok time at lunch. I slept through most of woodshop because I was super tired (I was going to read) then aided for Mrs. Downey and she let me try and catch up on homework because she's nice like that. Swimming was alright. I hadn't been there for like over a week because I was sick but I made it through the day. Got home and told my mom she was the only one who didn't like my shirt because I got like a million compliments(seriously) on it and she had to shut me down by saying "are you sure they weren't making fun of you(haha)" then had to tell me that my brothers friends were asking if I was gay cuz I had a pinky ring that I wear cuz my mom gave it to me and it only fits my pinky! So yeah for some reason that stuff got to me and killed the good mood I was in which I guess was her intention or she wouldn't have said any of it in the first place. Then I had to help make dinner which isn't that hard but I only had like an hour at home before I had to go to work so I didn't really want to. Work was boring as shit like it always is because it's lifegaurding, and it's not like baywatch cool lifeguarding, it's like sit and watch 3 people swim laps gaurding. Anyway that was my day and overall i'd say it wasn't too bad but there's always room for improvement!

Love you all,
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