Page 117 Meme

Jan 13, 2017 19:49

Meme snagged from my Flist: Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 117. The second sentence will be your life for 2017.

I have two within arm's reach and can't decide which is closest. So here are both:

1. Call it the camaraderie of heartbreak or the shared trauma of growing up. (Hmmmm! This was from page 117 of The Guineveres.)

My second book's chapters all start with a quotation from a fictional history of the that world. I'm not sure which second sentence I should use: the quotation or the story. So you get each (from page 117 of The Fate of the Tearling:

2A. I will think upon revenge.
2B. She stared at her palms, trying to remember.

No matter which one foretells my future, they all sound a little foreboding! Eep!
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