5 nice things

Aug 10, 2014 16:14

When you get this you have to say five nice things about yourself publicly, then tag ten of your friends!

Some of my friends posted this and challenged anyone to play along (not limited to 10 folks). I feel I've been a little inactive around LJ this summer, so I'll play, and invite everyone I know to play to. C'mon, join in!

  1. I'm never bored. (That's a nice thing, right?) I always have a stack of books I want to read, a list of hobby activities to look forward to tackling on my To-Do list, trips to plan - whether or not I ever take them...
  2. I am passionate about the things I love. My list of passions changes over the years--actors/actresses/TV shows, authors, sports I follow, games I play--but I get ridiculously excited about things - and love to share that enthusiasm with others too.)
  3. I'm even-keeled: it's just really rare for me to ever get angry or upset. (Maybe because I'm getting old *g*...) For a class, my grandson had to choose one adjective per person to describe each member of his family, and he included me and chose the word 'happy'.
  4. There are things that I am good at and I know what they are and I understand how important it is to carve time in our lives to get to do those things.

  5. I am loyal and devoted to and cherish my family and friends. (I don't have a lot of close friends, but I like it that way.)


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