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Comments 7

zubeneschamali January 14 2014, 13:34:48 UTC
More Viper pilot Jensen and ex-space-hooker Jared in 2014!


I would love to see you write a BB, but I understand the need to have something plotted out first. I hope you do, though!

my goal for Day 13's challenge will be spacebigbang.

...Damn it. I'm going to sign up for this, aren't I?


madebyme_x January 14 2014, 14:05:26 UTC
I understand the need to have something plotted before you commit to a challenge, I do that too (and I only write tiny stories not 20,000 word monsters!)

I'm really looking forward to your next instalment of J2!BSG - bring it on!

And yay to spacebigbang! \o/


killabeez January 14 2014, 14:13:53 UTC
I hope you do find the time and inspiration!

I'm thinking about it, too, but more in a "just in case" sort of way. I suspect I will try to write a long story this year, but I'm not sure yet that it's going to be SPN.

ETA: Except, no sooner than I hit 'send' on that comment that I thought of something I would LOVE to write.


harrigan January 14 2014, 14:20:12 UTC
Squee! More killafic! Can you share even a hint? (Sam/Dean?)


killabeez January 14 2014, 14:24:16 UTC
I just signed up before I could think better of it! Charlie/Dorothy. But I have a feeling there will be Dean and/or Sam as well. I have a good idea of what I want the Oz part of the story to be, but if canon gives me something interesting to work with that ties in with that…well, this is all hypothetical right now. I have to get busy figuring out how I can make this happen.


harrigan January 14 2014, 18:54:15 UTC
Charlie/Dorothy FTW!


deirdre_c January 14 2014, 14:36:46 UTC
HOORAY FOR J2!BSG LONG FIC!! *happy dances*


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