The Four Day Weekend...

May 27, 2006 21:27

I've had a four day weekend imposed on me by my boss because I have the sniffles (ok I have a cold but its hardly more than the sniffles). I guess its been a blessing because work was starting to do my head in and it quickly occured to me I didn't miss it one iota.

No offense to my boss but if she weren't there, I'd probably like my job and be happy to get up and dawn and haul my freezing arse into the stinking hole of a library. In fact, I look forward to when my fellow assistant and I are left to our own devices in the near future, just to see how the mood differs.

So, back to my four day weekend...

Thursday was pretty productive I got my eyebrows waxed by a very pissed off beautician. I was a little scared but its not the first time she's gone off on one while doing it and she does a remarkable job in that state. Then I ran into an elderly neighbour who proceeded to tell me he'd seen me walking with a fella, it was about time and I'd lost weight (I'm sure he must be losing his sight...) To finish a trifector of freaks I was stuck waititng from Dad to retrieve me from shopping as a man decided to tell me a series of offensive jokes and then declared, "you don't get out much do you?"

And if that wasn't enough I spent most of my evening picking Warhammer Army colours with Stu...ahh the romance *rolls eyes*

Friday I had a quiet day on the couch, hoping that Stu might be sweet and call in. He didn't. He did tell me he thought about it though and that he'd have dinner and come over anyway. He didn't. He left me hanging for two hours and then couldn't believe I was angry...stupid, stupid man.

Saturday, today, I went shopping and bought nothing but a bus ticket. I did run into someone from my old job who Stu has been battling with lately which made me laugh at the irony because she was so lovely (and if he hadn't been distracted by Guild Wars for the last...oh...nine or so hours...I would have relayed this information to him.)

The rest of the time I have been perched on the couch feeling my sanity slowly drain away. Just think how fun Sunday is gonna be. *groan*

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