Aug 30, 2010 11:31
I have been back from camping for several days but I have been procrastinating on this topic. I can't think of a broader thing to define; where to start?
Two entries ago I wrote that I "loved" a pair of shoes. I love my family and friends. I love my garden and my pets. There are lots of things that I love to do. I love tasty foods and drinks. I wonder, if I kept track, how many times do I say "love" within a week?
In the simplest sense, love is an affinity. A "natrual liking for or attraction to" a person or a thing. Within that parameter I suppose we all compartmentalize love. It manifests differently: romantic love, maternal love, fraternal love. I can't say that love is a thing that brings you pleasure because there has been a lot of pain in my life as a result of love, whereas if I didn't love the person or thing I wouldn't have been so affected.
Recently, during a heated argument with someone I love, I argued that love is not a thing you feel or say, it's a thing you do. I can't even say what that action is, necessarily. It depends on the who and the what and the why. Saying it isn't enough.
Love is a commitment. A sacrifice. A chore. A pleasure. A comfort.