
Jul 04, 2007 03:26

Alex thinks that my journal hurts the business ( Read more... )

identity, writing, coping, social contract, alexarc, acceptance, work

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thesnark July 4 2007, 15:13:31 UTC
I can't discount what Alexarc said. He makes a good point.

But for selfish reasons, I hope you don't heed them. This LJ is a window into you and your world that I'm fairly certain I never would see otherwise. Here is where I hear your voice loud and clear. I would miss my friend on the internet Teri, even though I would still have my friend in real life Teri, ya know?

Every time a friend on LJ threatens to stop using their journal, I feel so sad because it's like a friend saying, "for reasons you can't understand that have nothing to do with you, we can no longer be friends." It hurts.

That said, if Andrew deleted his journal tomorrow, I wouldn't really care, because that's not where I get to know Andrew intimately. But here is where I get to know many other people more intimately, and you are definitely one of then. I would just miss that a lot.

And I don't care how much my opinion is in line with or at odds with yours, when it's coffee I need and I am in Bellingham on any day but Sunday, it is the Black Drop I seek, not because of the owners' opinions on live music or taxes or crocheting, but because it is the best coffee establishment in Bellingham with the most personable staff and the finest product. There's just no substitute.

And I'd feel that way even if I didn't hold a special fondness for its owners and staff.

I support you in whatever decision you make, because there are good reasons for either option, but I can't say I wouldn't be saddened or feel a Teri-shaped hole in my intarwebz if you go.


harriet_m_welsh July 4 2007, 17:51:06 UTC
I think you hit it on the head, there. LiveJournal makes our relationships unique because there is a degree of intimacy that you wouldn't otherwise have access to. And that too, is what makes it sometimes feel more familial than acquaintance-y. Which is what I like about it.


akaspeedo July 4 2007, 22:00:41 UTC
Me too. I'd be sad if you stopped writing.


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