Mar 08, 2005 13:56
I am sitting in the Phillips Reading Room in Widener Library, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138. David dropped me off while he went to class, swiped me in as a guest, and not long thereafter I discovered to my dismay that you need to swipe your ID yet again in order to actually get to the books. So I have a nice list of the call numbers for the books I want for two of my research papers, and from here I can see three stories of stacks through a window. Yep, there they are. I can see Ger 4275-6619 right over there. *Rests forehead on desk in sad resignation of thwarted research*
As always, I love being here. (Aside from, you know, the lovely, lovely books I can’t get to…gah.) I went to a few classes with David yesterday, including a huge lecture class on globalization taught by Lawrence Summers, Michael Sandel, and Tom Friedman. Mostly we’ve just been hanging around, working and writing and reading. Very satisfying.