a long awaited update

Feb 13, 2005 23:06

i need something to do to waste time, because im really bored. so i shall update lj.

some stuff has happened since i last updated.

the eagles lost the super bowl. : ( it hurts to write it. sigh. robin and i broke up, althoguh we had pretty much just been friends for awhile. were both happier. and its all good. i was also sick all week. i started to feel tired and sickish during the superbowl, went to 8 hours of class monday, and was done in for tuesday. im better now though. woo.

some stuff hasnt happened since i last updated.

an nhl collective bargaining agreement.

sigh. oh well.

so what else. im excited for spring break. plans have pretty much been finalized for me to go to kellys house in north carolina with kelly, robin, tracey, amanda, and emily. haha im excited (i know! 5 girls! lol. its what i do). itll be mar 12 - mar 18. so if youre home that week, fear not. becasue ill be making appearances both weekends. lol. also, fear even less if youre glennie or sarah, becasue ive talked to you both about doing something. woot.

after that theres only 6 weeks til im done classes, 7 weeks til im done finals, and 8 weeks to star wars episode 3!!!

speaking of which, we watched star wars episode 6 last night at mcdonnell, and we decided to watch episode 1 and 2 sometime soon. and now i really want to see them. well, epsidoe 2 becasue ih avent seen it like, since early 1st semester. and most of you know, thats a long period of withdrawl for me. (glennie youve never finsihed episode 2. lol!) anyways, that will be accomplished soon i hope. episode one i just watched while i was sick. but ill watch it again.

lets see what else is new. i have a bunch of tests and such this week. bah. monday is a mechanics test, wednesday is an econ test, friday was a math quiz (which i failed miserably), thursday will probably be a mechanics quiz, and friday was a geology test. arrg. oh well.

so a quick synopsis of the weekend i havent yet covered--friday i went to the basketball game with scott and mike and we dominated american. then they came over and we played poker with tracey and robin (tracey, when you have the best possible hand, its a good idea not to fold. lol.) i ended up winning. mm. 6 bucks. lol. then i went to seventh street so i could watch kelly and tracey drool over the guy who was playing late night music. lol. saturday i went to the mall with scott and mike, and i didnt get anything at the mall, but got tissues and oj at weis next door, so it was worthwhile. good to be in civilization again. that evening was bingo. i won! i got an illustrated copy of the da vinci code. (i keep wanting to say angels and demons. gr) and i also got a bag of candy. lol. then i went with tracey and amanda and watched the afforementioned star wars. and the end of my big fat greek wedding. *shrug* today i went to lunch with kimberly, and then to the basketball game with mike and scott. we beat navy. i was amused that all their coaches were in full naval officer attire. like james bond in the spy who loved me and tomorrow never dies. because those are the only two movies where hes in his full naval attire. becasue hes a commander in the navy. ok im rambling. lol. and then mariel came over and we did some awesome homework. it sure was a party. and now im incredibly bored but dont want to sleep or do work for the next day or study anything. so here i am.

i think thats all i ahve to say for now. happy valentines day!

ps. oh i just typed inthe music im listening to. the oc thursday was AMAZING. and hot with lesbians. but there were a couple believability issues i had with it. ill survive though. lol. thats all.
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