1) I have been putting some fairly serious work into my finances. I have refinanced my student loans and paid off part of my credit card debt, and also "retired" some credit cards from my wallet to a safe place where I can't just whip them out. I have started my RRSP (which is like a 401k, I think?, for you Americans), and started saving up a down payment for moving out. It's mostly likely first/last, but one can always dream it was a real down payment.
2) I am now working on completing my driver's ed. I have taken all the classroom stuff between Christmas and New Year's, and am now doing all the in-car stuff. In fact, on Sunday we did the highway part. It was "frightfully exciting" blending onto a freeway. I also have a car lined up for once I am able to drive solo... free and dog-friendly is good. It happens to be my dad's old Caprice station wagon, but
don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? (BTW, thank God, mine is a grey/dark green combo, no grain.)
3) I have a real estate agent. Realistically, she is probably going to help me find a house to lease (and share out rooms), because of my many specific needs and low tolerance for spending my spare time looking. But one can always dream about buying the house as I mentioned...
4) I am biding my time at work. I am feeling that I'm nobody special anymore; I hear rumblings about changes I won't be liking (which I will pass on discussing in depth as I have already parsed every sentence into oblivion and wearied of it). But I am prepping myself to react, and not just sit there and take it on the chin, per usual. Further, I am making a concerted effort to, you know, get my sleep, be ultra-punctual, and perform my duties to the best of my abilities (I have real, genuine, unsolicited, unpaid-for happy customer email to prove this). I am also taking all my own lunches now, both to save money and to hopefully eat healthier.
5) I am very motivated to start improving my health. I have lined myself up to see a gastroenterologist about my tummy trouble. I am going to do some heart tests (what I mean is, I am going to stop avoiding doing them, and denying my need to do them, and get them done within the next month or so as my doctor requested). I am finally really really TRYING to take my pills every single day. I have a variety of ideas about how I can take better care of myself. I just hesitate to outline any grand schemes because everyone has heard me go off about these things before; and I hate being policed by people, who know that I am dieting, or trying to exercise, or whatever. I have a Mommy, and other naggers are weak by comparison. Just weak. But annoying, like a whining mosquito. And I don't want to lose face over screwing up, etc.
6) I took myself on a damn well-deserved vacation to Texas and unwound a little bit. That was great. Need to relax more. Less stress = more better. I so happened to be there visiting
foxfyre et al., which was also v. great.
Randomness: I am now obsessed with finding a good recipe for Southern biscuits. The light, floofy ones. Please assist if you can, as I think my menfolk would really, really like them and I want to capture a good recipe (since I already really, really like them).
Randomness: I am freaking out about finding an outfit for a wedding that's not until midsummer. I would really like to wear a dress, but it has been... uh... perhaps 8-10 years since I last wore an actual *dress* and it is brutally hard to shop for me, and I know my weight will fluctuate! And it is an extremely POSH event, so nothing cheap 'n' cheerful (unless I can cleverly disguise the cheap part). But I must not worry! Insert deep breathing here.... And some more deep breathing...
Randomness yet again: I might be cutting off a chunk of my hair, though by no means all of it or to a short length. I'm also thinking of possibly changing colour.
I have lots of stuff to talk about, and no more time, so no more random. That's about all I have by way of major updates. Although I enjoy having more blocks of free time (weekends, for example) I notice that I am not really managing my time off as well as I was when having evenings and weekends was still a luxury/novelty. I regret this, because I really do have a lot to do to get going on those world domination plans.