(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 22:43

Story of the day::

wes took me out to eat @ abbondanza in norwood... (thanks wessy! it was yummy). and we had some pretty good convo (land bridges!! grrr..) and some pretty good food (as i only eat italian... right?) :) it was a wonderful evening. i suggest anyone who reads this tries abbondanza out. it's past the mint cafe on the left.
then we left after we ate (we decided to get coffee elsewhere as we werent too sure abt the coffee @ the restaurant.. maybe sketchy). and we were walking down to perks (b/c ray is my boyfriend... haha liz) and who do i see across the street outside ice jacks but my cousin joe from randolph!! what?! so i yelled across the street and he and his little mentally retarded patient, craig, come bouncing across the street to say hi and whatnot. and joe said he's gonna take me out to dinner... ([stellardoor10: i think he likes u] ewww teeeeenie! incest!) haha.. i love free food. so, i'm excited. cuz i saw my cousin that i havent seen in like 6 months, methinks.
so then we went like 5 steps more and i looked in the window to perks and who's sitting there but becca henriksen and her friend emily. so we go in perks and i greet ray and then we chat w/ becc. and then i get a mochaccino and talk to ray. and then we walk back towards the car/non-girl-picking-up-mini-van (haha wes) with becc and em and we chat for like 2 years.
then wes and i drove around for like 3 more years. but they were 3 awesome years. :) and we almost died. cuz a friggen car cut us off. and wes exclaimed 'fuck'. and it was exciting.... cuz walpole is an exciting place. right.

basically it was a good night. :)
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