*Met Roy Blount Jr. on Tuesday, and boy was I nervous. He signed my external hard drive and my book, and I gave him a gift- a little Russ puppy (stuffed). His book is really entertaining so far. Red, I think you'd really like it.
*There's an entry about my first day as a mortician's assistant in
harpsiccord and there'll be a second one soon, hopefully.
*Growin' some radishes in the woods. Don't know what to do with them when they're done, so I'll probably leave them out for the woodland creatures.
*There'll be a Roleplayer Friending Meme here tomorrow, so stop by and pick up a new RP partner or two.
My friend
cursedangel 's journal entries have been really sad recently, so I drew a picture of our RP characters. They've never met (we've never RPed) but they'd get along. They're both atypical females (anatomically speaking) but I don't think they let that get them down.
I think they'd be very good friends indeed. Sully's got some kind of sugary treat (technically the only thing she'll ever eat is sugar). What's Bailey got spinning? "Whip My Hair" (so Angel remembers "Don’t let haters get me off my grind, keep my head up, I know I’ll be fine")
And here's just Bailey.
((The shirt wasn't as much of a pain as I thought it'd be!)