Jan 27, 2009 23:44

I was just considering something in regards to music-making, and had the whim to check out how many hours I'd spent working on a piece. I keep a practise diary, where I list how long I practise a piece or study for on what date, so now I had no problem just going back and adding up the tally for a certain piece.

Some background: The piece in question is very hard, so one would expect it to have taken me quite a while to get it up to performance standard. In total I've performed it only four times, I think: once in front of the other harp students in what we call "repertoire class", once in a masterclass and twice in department concerts. I stopped practising it after the last of the concerts, having started it about five and a half months earlier. My average performance of the piece was about 4'15" in duration.

I spent 1,843 minutes working on it.

(For those of you playing at home who can't be bothered to calculate, that's almost 31 hours.)

That is quite mind-boggling. Woah.

ETA: Also, that comes out at an average of about 434 minutes of work for each minute of the piece. (Or: Playing the piece 434 times consecutively would have taken me as long as it had taken me to work on it.)


(The state of the Harpoholic in general, if you were wondering, is actually quite bad. Depressed and stressed out, and very lonely most of the time. I'm feeling fairly all right at the moment, but it does fluctuate like mad. There are some good things going on, and I'm trying to pull myself out of it. Might get a more detailed post on the matter soon.)


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