So, I was thinking about going home after Crown Tourney (the actual fighting and naming of the new Prince and Princess), and went to tell
ellid. (I have a ton of housework to catch up on after 6 days without power - not the least is cleaning the fridge and freezers)She said there was something I might want to see in court so she really wanted me to stay. When Baron Aethelhofoc received his Silver Crescent (excellence in Service), she said, "See, I told you!". And really, I would not have liked to missed it, cuz he is such a nice guy, and his service is legendary. But court went on a bit longer than I would have liked.
Then some words from the King, and people started inching forward as another person was called. She received her Maunche (excellence in Arts & Sciences) for Scribal arts (I think - not sure, really), and the people inching forward (other members of the Order of the Maunche) didn't start congratulating her right away as is their usual custom. I was somewhat perplexed. Then I heard my name called - well, I wasn't sure it was my name - I was still puzzling why the order members weren't congratulating their newest member. When I realized it was indeed my name, I uttered an expletive (honed on years of parenting unruly boys), and got up, weaving my way through chairs and people. When I got to the dais, I realized it would be a real feat to kneel as I was supposed to. I quickly decided I could kneel on the right knee, because the bruising was further down the leg. The left knee was right out, so I probably looked a little silly, one knee up and one knee down. (I had to be helped to my feet - couldn't do it under my own power)
The king mentioned something of my lace, I think. I replied that I like making lace. Then the scroll was read and handed to me. Then the order members congratulated the 2 of us baby Maunches. Lots of people said nice things about my lace and gave me hugs. I don't really remember much in the sea of faces.
My scroll with the Queen Anne's lace, the bobbin and my arms is fabulous!
So .... I got home a little later than planned (9:15, I think) but a lot happier than I would have been with my original plans.