Title: He Lied
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Pairings: Barney/Robin
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Episode 4x01
Summary: Barney thinks about what he's done.
Notes: Written for
tv_100 prompt lies. Not really satisfied with this... but I'll hopefully get around to writing a much better B/R fanfic.
he lied................... )
Comments 4
Poor Sad!Barney. I think that deep down, he's still screwed up from Shannon and that's affecting him now. He's insecure and thinks Robin won't like him for the way he is. I blame Shannon, probably like most Barney/Robin shippers.
I think he's insecure as well... and its probably because of Shannon.
Also I think you spelled through wrong *through out the dinner not thought out the dinner*, right?
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