Title: In His Embrace
Fandom: Greek
Pairings: Cappie/Casey
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Futurefic.
Summary: Casey's thoughts in bed with Cappie.
Notes: Written for
lover100 prompt Love, and written for
tv_100 prompt embrace. First Greek fic!
...Table... ]
Casey Cartwright had never felt more safe, comfortable, and loved in anyone’s embrace than Cappie’s. For once, since their break-up in freshmen year, Casey was able to finally find that again in his arms.
Casey moved her head just enough so she could watch Cappie sleep. A grin appeared on her face as she silently watched him. He looked almost angelic, like any cliché romance novel would say, but Casey couldn’t help believing that description as she took in his facial expression. Right then, he didn’t look like a party animal and the president of Kappa Tau Gamma.
Lowering her head to lay in the crook of his neck, Casey sighed deeply in his scent as she snuggled closer to him. She loved him, and she had no plans to EVER leaving him again.