Questions & Answers

Nov 28, 2007 19:18

If you have any questions that I have not answered here & that they deal with fanfiction or my writings, please comment below. Thank you! [Comments will be deleted after being answered]

Q: Is English your native language?
A: Believe it or not YES… English is my first language and basically the only language I know. I’m just bad at spelling & grammar (Mico. Word helps though)... I’m sorry.

Q: Why do you write fanfiction?
A: Firstly, why not? Secondly, I like to write, and I like to write my own ending or story for my favorite characters and ’ships. This is hard to answer, because there is no main reason why I continue to write fanfiction other then that I love to do it.

Q: What’s a ’ship?
A: It’s fanfiction language for the word relationship or couple. We fanfiction readers/writers think its easier to write, just like we tend to shorten our favorite pairings’ names. So instead of Buffy/Spike, we tend to write Spuffy. The names tend to be silly & stupid, but I don’t mind them. People don’t have to use them if they don’t want to.

Q: What’s a drabble, ficlet, vignette, etc?
A: A drabble is a story with less than 500 words (although generally people say a drabble is only 100 words or smaller - I prefer a drabble being considered 500). A ficlet is a story with 500 to 1,000 words. A vignette is a story with 1,000 to 10,000 words (and is one chapter/single part). A short story with 1,000 to 10,000 words (and is more then one chapter/multiple parts). A novella is a story with 10,000 to 50,000 words. A novel is a story with 50,000 to 100,000 words. A epic is a story with over 100,000 words.

Q: I made fan art that I made for one of your fanfics, how can I show you? Do you want it?
A: Sure! I would be honored! Firstly e-mail me with it attached! And if you want me to I will gladly post it on the same entry with the story it is based upon.

Q: Do you do requests/challenges?
A: Sadly not anymore... although at my main journal, I do have fanfic request memes where you can request a pairing.

Q: Why the heck do you write incest?!
A: Because sometimes in movies and tv shows family members have more of a chemistry that I like then the one they are dating, such as in House of Wax - Carly and Wade sucked as a couple, but Carly & Nick were awesome together - so I instantly loved the two together. I don’t care if you don’t like incest or you think I’m sick. I don’t practice incest nor would I EVER.

Q: Do you not like Slash (male/male, female/female) fanfiction? Do you have a problem with them?
A: I can’t say that I DON’T like it, I just happen to not like a lot of Male/Male or Female/Female relationships. And no I do not have a problem with Slash - not one bit! I have in fact wrote two femslash fanfics (check out the X-Men category). I just happen to like more non-slash couples then slash couples.

Q: I really liked __, are you making a sequel to it?/MAKE A SEQUEL!/CONTINUE!
A: I’m very happy that you liked __, but unless I stated it in the notes, I probably won’t be making a sequel to it. Although it really depends on my muse if I will or not. Sometimes I plan to, but then ended up not because my muse didn't have any ideas for it or I did, I just couldn't write it.

Q: What is a plot bunny/muse/etc?
A: Fanfiction writers use the term plot bunnies and muses (and other things) as what gives them ideas for fanfiction or relationships.

Q: What is a writer's block?
A: Fanfiction writers use the term "writer's block" to describe either a period of time where they couldn't think of any idea how to either finish the story/chapter/etc or when they have no inspiration to complete a fanfic/finish a fanfic/etc. What I call a "general writer's block" is a period of time when I can't seem to write anything - not even a drabble - out of lack of inspiration.

Q: What IS your e-mail?
A: Please use this e-mail: rhrmoonATyahooDOTcom. Make sure you title it something like HarpieWriting or Flareonfury or something like that so I don't automatically think its spam and delete it.

Q: I would love to nominate you/your story at ____! May I?
A: Wow... THANK YOU! You have the permission to do so, just please let me know! Just comment here or the entry your sending in. Its honor if you even just want to nominate me. :D

Last Edited: March 23, 2008


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