Title: Not A Joke Fandom: Smallville Pairings: Chloe/AC Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic. Angst. Summary: AC wakes up after four days in the sick bay. Notes: Written for
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OMG that was so good. oh poor chloe her hubby does not remeber her at all. awwwww . will you be writing more of this . i would love to read what happened after all of that . or how he got hurt ?
Thank you so much! I'm sorry I broke your heart though, lol. I would think the husband you loved for however long ends up with amnesia, then yeah it would be a lot of heartbreaking. I feel really bad for making Chloe feel like that, but it wanted to be written.
Comments 4
You're really good with the angst!
Great work!
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