Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex/Justin: "Crush"

Jul 21, 2008 00:45

Title: Crush
Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place
Pairings: Justin/Alex. Harper/Justin (one-sided).
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Incest.
Summary: Justin realizes Harper likes him...
Notes: Written for 10_fics prompt Crush. Inspired by the song Crush by Garbage.
[ ...Table... ]

“You know I think Harper likes me,” Justin stated one day as he entered the back room of the Sub Station. Alex let out a laugh.

“You mean, you haven’t noticed before?” Alex asked, lifting up her eyebrow in wonder at her older brother.

“Well yeah I have, but she’s been really relentless the pass few days. It’s getting kind of annoying. I swear she’s popping out of no where.” Justin explained as he washed his hands.

“Yeah well she’s had a crush on you since like I met her.” Alex stated, shaking her head in her annoyance. Justin glanced over at her and smirked.

“You sound jealous,” Justin flirted and Alex glanced up at him.

“Only with the fact that she’s allowed to be with you and I’m not.” Justin frowned sadly at the thought, but pulled her in a quick hug that he held on to her a little longer then he should have just in case either their parents or Max came in and saw them.

"Even if she is allowed to be with me... I don't want her... I only want you." Justin reassured her, after pulling away from the hug. Alex smiled up at him.


wizards of waverly place, wizards of waverly place: harper, wizards of waverly place: harper/justin, wizards of waverly place: alex/justin, wizards of waverly place: alex, -2008, wizards of waverly place: justin, -rated g

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