Title: Falling Asleep
Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place
Pairings: Alex/Justin
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Incest.
Summary: Alex falls asleep...
Notes: Written for
10_fics prompt Sleep. Yup by the time my claim is accepted I think I'll be finished it! LMAO. Anyway, I seriously adore writing these two... and surprisingly - THEY ARE EASY to write too!
...Table... ]
Justin glanced over at his sister and smiled when he saw that she had fallen asleep during the movie. It wasn’t that surprising since she had been helping out both mom and dad earlier at the Sub Station which had been unusually busy. He and Max had been volunteered the night before in helping their grandmother get ready to move to an apartment. He had some fun helping his grandma, but he missed having Alex near.
Alex stirred when he shut off the movie and had to get off the bed to shut the TV off.
“Where are you going?” Alex asked groggily. Justin smiled at her as he quickly shut the TV off and got back into bed.
“Just had to shut the TV off… go back to bed.” Justin whispered as he rewrapped his arms around her. Alex smiled sleepily and snuggled closer to his body before falling back asleep. She’s cute when she’s sleeping, he thought as he kissed her forehead, not that she isn’t when she’s awake… but she looks peaceful - like nothing could hurt her here, which I’ll make damn sure nothing will.
Justin let out a yawn before laying his head against Alex’s and before he knew he realized it he fell asleep.