X-Men: Rogue/Cyclops: "Controlling A Power to Great"

Jan 03, 2008 21:33

Title: Controlling A Power to Great
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Pairings: Rogue/Cyclops
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: AU. Language. Jean Grey Bashing.
Summary: Something hurt Rogue, and Scott wants to know what the hell it is. But now, she can control her power. What will become of it?
Notes: First X-Men Fanfic and my first Scott/Rogue fanfic. A lot of people liked this story, so I’m somewhat proud of it. This story was created during my first two years I started writing Fanfiction, so its not that good. 
The story is currently unfinished, but I hope to finish it sooner or later.

Chapter One
“Kitty where’s Rogue?” asked Scott as Kitty, Jean and Evan came into the danger room.
“She’s not here? I told her, like, and hour or two that danger session is at, like, 6:00. She most had forgotten.” Said Kitty looking at Scott.
“Okay, I’ll just go get her then.” Said Scott and left the room.
“Okay Scott.” Said Kitty to him. ‘I wonder why she isn’t here, she never forgets danger session.’ She thought with a sigh.
“I know, and she’s usually here before us.” Said Jean after hearing Kitty’s thought.

“Hey Rogue! Danger session with Logan!” yelled Scott outside Rogue and Kitty’s room. Rogue didn’t answer. “Rogue!” Scott still didn’t get any reply from Rogue. Fearing of what could have happened to one of his teammate and friend he tried to open the door but find out she locked the door.
“Rogue open the door if you can hear me!” Scott yelled but he still didn’t get any reply. Scott used his power to blast the door open and the door opened to reveal Rogue laying on the floor unconscious. Scott seeing Rogue unconscious he ran to her side and tried to wake her up without touching her face. Rogue didn’t get up, so Scott called the Professor telepathically.
“I’ll send Storm, Beast and Logan up to Rogue’s room now.” Said the Professor telepathically back to Cyclops.
Scott looked around there was signs of a fight, a broken lamp, books and papers scattered around a table that most of been knocked over by something. The Window was opened all the way, seemed of whatever it was most of came out of the window.
Scott went back to Rogue and tried to wake her up again but all he did was get a moan. “Rogue,” he said but softer and added taking her gloved hand, “please Rogue wake up, please.”
She opened her eyes looking straight into his. “Scott,” she said not below a whisper and blacked out again.
Scott held her hands. “Don’t worry Rogue, help is on the way.” He whispered to her.
After a minute Logan, Storm, and Beast came into the room. Logan went over the whole room sniffing the air while the others got Rogue. But Logan couldn’t sniff anyone’s scent except Scott, Rogue, Storm, Beast and himself. “That’s weird, whatever it was it doesn’t have a scent.” Said Logan to himself and left to see the Professor to tell him that he didn’t find anything.

Chapter 2
Two days later:
Scott sat in the Med Lab next to Rogue.
Beast said she should be all right but something’s were damaged, but he didn’t know what until she would wake up. Beast had also said that whatever attacked Rogue gave her some kind of shot. He didn’t know what it is yet. He has never heard of it, which is weird since he said because he knows a lot of medicines.
Scott sat looking at Rogue’s face when she started to finally wake up. She looked around and spotted Scott looking at her, she smiled. ‘Ah wonder what happened.’ Rogue thought.
“Hey Rogue, how do you feel?” asked Scott smiling and standing up and walked over to her so he could be closer to her face.
“Hey Scott ah’m fine thank ya, just a little headache. So what happened?” Rogue smiling too but stopped because she just remembered what happened the previous encounter with whatever attacked her. She didn’t even see it so she didn’t know what or who it was. She stopped smiling by the time all the memories came back.
“We don’t really know Rogue, just that you were attacked and was blacked out for the last two days-”
‘Ah’ve been out for two days, it doesn’t even feel like it’ she thought and contained to listen to Scott-
” Beast said that whatever attacked you gave you some kind of shot. He doesn’t know what it is yet. He has never heard of it, which is weird since he knows all most every thing in medicines.” Scott said taking a breath of air for talking so long.
“That is weird, Ah wonder who did this ta me.” Said Rogue then started to think.
“You mean you didn’t see your attacker?” asked Scott worried. ‘This is way too weird, I mean Logan said he couldn’t find any scents in the room except mine, Rogue’s, Storm and Beast and now Rogue says she didn’t see the attacker. This is all way to weird.’ Scott thought.
“Yeah it was like Ah was fighting no one but Ah could feel there pressure when it tackled me. And Ah tried to attack it, it went around me somehow and then the rest is a blear ta me.” Replied Rogue while looking at Scott and then asked worried, “Why? Is there more? Scott please tell me what’s wrong.”
” It’s just that Logan said he couldn’t find a scent in the room accept mine, yours, his own, Storm and Beast and that something in your body is messed up. It’s just this is way to weird.” Said Scott sitting back down in the chair he was sitting in couple minutes ago.
“It didn’t have a scent, you are right that is weird.” Said Rogue looking at Scott. ” So to change the subject who visited me while ah was out?”
“Okay, well Kitty, Kurt, Logan, The Professor, and me have visited you so far.”
” Okay” Rogue said looking at Scott, for some reason she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Chapter 3
Scott and Ah were talking for a while when Scott told me something that surprised me.
“I’m glad that your awake Rogue, I was really worried about you.” He said with a blush starting to show clearly. “I mean Beast didn’t know if you would wake up anytime soon. And it just kind of scared me.” He added forgetting that he was supposed to be the fearless leader.
“You were scared and worried ’bout me.” Ah said saying it as a statement and sounding surprised. It’s not like ah don’t know him, he would be worried if anyone in the X-men were hurt and would take any blow for any of us. What he said still surprised me. Scott nodded saying that Ah was right.
“Yeah I was.” Scott said, and suddenly we both looked at each other’s ahs, he was looking at mah dark green ahs and ah looking at his through his red-shaded glasses.
“Thanks Scott,” Ah said still looking at his hands.
Ah remember when I took a small memory of him looking at himself in the mirror, he looked cute wearing no glasses or anything like it plus he was seven years old and looked cute with his brown ahs.
Scott and mahself are alike in a way. Ah mean we both lost something; Ah lost my ability to touch, I never really knew mah parents and he lost colors in his ahs and he lost his parents.
‘Ah wish he could kiss me and not get hurt. Oh hell ah know ah won’t ever get that wish.’ Ah sighed sadly, a little too loud because Scott heard it.
“You okay?” Scott asked again, still looking in mah ahs.
“Yeah, its just Ah feel a little pain in mah arm.” Ah lied, well not really, Ah do feel a little pain in mah arm.
“Do you want me to get Beast Rogue?” asked Scott finally he stopped looking at mah ahs and started to look at mah arm that ah was holding.
“Na, it doesn’t hurt badly so it’s nothing to worry about.” Ah said reassuringly to Scott.

” Okay,” I said turned to look out the window that was near me, it looked to me that the sun was going down.
“When ah was little ah used to always love seeing the sun setting. It always looked so beautiful with all the colors. Ah miss looking at them where ah used to live.” Rogue said sadly as she also looked at the window, remembering her past.
‘I wish I could remember my past before the plane crash, then I might remember my mom and dad better.’ I thought sadly.
“I understand.” I said, still looking out the window.
“Ah know you do Scott.” Said Rogue, I looked at her, knowing she had some of his memories. I nodded then looked back at the sunset. ‘Damn it I forgot to tell Professor Rogue’s awake.’
Professor? After a moment the Professor answered.
Yes Scott?
Rogue is awake.
Good, is she feeling well?
She said she was fine but had a little pain in her arm.
Hmm, Scott did you ask her about what she saw that night?
Yes, but she said she didn’t see her attacker and she said it was like she was fighting an invisible person. Professor who do you think it is?
Scott, to tell you the truth I haven’t got a clue who has done this. The defiance system didn’t give any sigh of an intruder and Cerebro didn’t spot a new mutant here last night, also Logan didn’t smell any new scents in the room. I don’t know what this all means Scott, truthfully.
I didn’t say anything.
Scott, as soon as she thinks she can walk please tell her that I want to talk to her, and Scott come with her when she comes. I would also like to talk to you.
Yes Professor.
While I was talking to the Professor, Rogue was looking at me.
“What were you thinking?” Rogue asked with a smile. I looked at her then.
“I just told the Professor that you woke up. He said he wanted to talk to us when you feel like you can walk.” I said to her and she nodded.
“Ah think Ah can walk now with a little help.” Rogue said after a while, blushing a little.
“Okay, do you want me to help you?” I asked her, hoping she’ll say yes.
“Yeah, thanks.” She said, smiling. I smiled too and went to grab her hands totally forgetting she didn’t have gloves. She must’ve had forgotten too for we touched hands. Realizing I was touching her skin without blacking out. She realized too.
“How can this be?” she asked in a whisper. She looked amazed and wonder at her hands.
“I have no idea, but I’m happy it is.” I said without realizing I said the last part out loud.
“Ah think we should hurry to get the Professor about this.” She said missing what I said, well as far as I know.
“I think so too.” I said and helped her to the door, still holding her hand.

Chapter 4
When they went to the Professor’s office, they told the Professor about what happened in the Med Room. He nodded, looking at both of them. Then looked through Rogue’s mind where her mutation will be.
“I think your attacker must have given you something that blocked your powers; I can even see that your mutant power is blocked out.” Said Professor Xavier after looking in her mind. ” And it looks like it won’t be come back anytime soon.”
“Really?” asked Rogue with disbelief and shock that this was possible. Scott just looked shocked and pure happiness.
‘This is great! And bad at the same moment.’ Scott thought to himself.
“Yes I’m sure,” said the Professor missing Scott’s thought.
After about 10 minutes of talking about how Rogue feels, Professor told them what he said since he talked to Scott.
“Since you have no school because it’s summer, why don’t you take a little vacation?” said Professor, smiling. Scott and Rogue looked at each other and smiled.” I have this little cabin I usually take doing summer when the students are at home for a month as you may know already.” They nodded at that. “I would like you two to go there together. With Rogue being hurt I didn’t want her being alone and since all the other students will be leaving tomorrow except you Scott. So what do you say Rogue? Scott?
“Thanks Professor, Ah really do need a little vacation.” Said Rogue, smiling. ‘Plus with Scott there with me and mah powers is gone, this’ll be great.’ She thought happily.
“Yeah Professor, it’ll be nice to get out doing the summer this year.” Scott said smiling also.
“Great, you should pack now. You can leave tomorrow if you’re up to it Rogue.” The Professor said with a smile.
“Ah think ah’m up to it Professor.” She said looked at Scott for a moment. “Hmm, Scott can ya help me to mah room? Or do you still want to talk to him Professor?”
“I don’t need to talk to him, that’s all I wanted to talk to two about.” Said the Professor.
“Okay Professor,” said Scott then turned and headed to the door with Rogue, before he opened the door he turned around. “Bye Professor”
“Bye Scott, Rogue,” Said the Professor smiling.
“Bye!” said Rogue happily before they left the room.

Rogue’s New Room:
‘Ah get to stay at a cabin alone with Scott! Ah cannot even believe that mah powers are gone!’ Rogue thought as she packed her bags with the help of a happy Kitty.
“I still can’t believe that I can touch you without getting hurt! This is like, so cool!” Kitty said happily to Rogue as she looked for outfits for Rogue in their closet.
“Ah know! Ah mean this is like a miracle for me, mah dying wish since Ah found out that Ah was a mutant.” Rogue said as she pulled out a red dress that she wore when she and Kitty played in the vampire play.
“Okay you have to bring these along with you!” Kitty said putting pairs of clothing on the bed next to Rogue’s suitcase. A black skirt with Kitty’s red shirt, Rogue’s black bathing suit, and her black dress. Kitty pulls out a pair of dark blue jeans and a black shirt, and her Siren’s pants and shirt. And the last thing Kitty put down on her bed was gray halter top under a thin orange see through blouse. And she pulled out a sort of reddish color pants and a belt around her pants.
Then she looked in Rogue’s drawers and picked out a purple shirt tied at the front, underneath that you see her black halter-top and black jeans. ” So what do you think?”
” Ah like the pairings. So is that all Ah need?” Rogue asked picking up all the clothes and folding them and then putting them in one of the suitcases.
“Of course not! You like, need new shoes!” Kitty said as she took Rogue’s gloved-free hands and dragged her downstairs.
“Ah don’t need shoes Kitty! And Ah can walk by my self!” Rogue said as she pulled her hands free from Kitty.
“Fine but you *do* need shoes!” Kitty said with an evil smile.
“Okay Ah’ll go!” said Rogue as she craved in.

Some Underground Room:
The Room was big, big as in a ballroom, but darker. The walls of the room were a light black with pictures of different Mutants (but mostly Rogue and the X-men) and news articles, and the floors were a clean marble for a place like this. In one of the corners of the dark room, you could see two people standing next to a burning fire.
“Did it work Shaper?” asked a man in clothes that were all a dark blue, which goes by the name of Dark Star. He had a strong and hard voice. The other man, who was named Shaper, had black clothes on and it seemed that he was blending into the walls, as he stood their not moving even when he talked.
“Yes Dark Star, it did work, she lost her power.” Shaper said calmly with a voice that was strong but was soft. “But why have you chose to give her the gift of touch again? Surely you could have given it to some other mutant?”
” That is for me to know, not you or anyone else.” Said the once dark and hard voice but now it was sad and soft voice. Shaper nodded his head moving his body away from the wall.
“Yes Dark Star. I’ll leave you to your business now.” Shaper said moving toward the Fire.
“Yes leave here now. I do not want to be bothered by *any* one until I call. Understand?” said Dark star as he sat down in a big comfortable chair.
“Yes, I’ll go tell the others right away sir.” Said Shaper and then he walked threw the fire and disappeared from sight.

Chapter 5
The Next Day: At the Cabin:
“Wow this cabin is so cool!” Rogue said as they walked around the cabin.
“Yeah it is.” Scott said as he looked at Rogue and turned away before she saw him staring at her. ‘Alone in a cabin with Rogue, I gotta remember to thank Professor for this!’ Scott thought as they walked into the living room again and sat down on the couch.
“So what do you want to do after we unpack?” asked Rogue as she sat on the couch with a thump.
“I don’t know… take a swim in the lake?” asked Scott smiling at Rogue.
“Good idea.” She said smiling getting up, “I think I’ll wear the one Kitty bought me, and which I actually liked. It did not have a single dot of pink in it. Thank God.” She said and then laughed, I smiling. I nodded getting up also.
“Well we better go change, we can unpack later. I’ll see you at the lake, okay?” I asked her as we headed to our rooms.
“What? Not being a gentleman and walking with me to the lake?” She said laughing, I smiled. ‘Man is she beautiful when she laughs’ I thought, “yeah okay.”
“See ya there then!” I said as she disappeared after her bedroom door closed.
“Yeah!” she yelled from behind her door.

Putting on my swimsuit, I smiled as I remembered when we first talked. Really talked, okay so it was for the play but still she never really talked to the other X-men before. Then later on the day she saved Jean’s life.
Then when Christmas was coming closer we went on that field trip that helped her gain the X-men’s trust and joined their side. I was very thankful she did go on the trip after that, although I was sad that Jean did not come in the beginning. She saved their lives that day, how could he be not be thankful towards her.
Then when Christmas did come around and she gave me a sweater. I was shocked, and I was guilty that I did not get her anything. I knew I had to get her something for her so I was going to find a gift later that night. Then with Angel, I forgot until she told me about going to the CD store at the coffee. However, I still wanted to get her something, so I thought I would just go out to a store and look for something tonight after we get home.
I do not know why but as me, Rogue and Angel looked at the little girl in the window I put my arm around her. I felt like something clicked, like this was what I have to do. Everything felt wonderful and right, as if I was in a family again. Since then, my mind has always been on her. I just fell in love with her since then, and then more everyday.
I grabbed a towel from the hallway closet and sun block, and of course my waterproof glasses and went outside near the lake to wait for Rogue.

Chapter 6
At the Lake:
Rogue and I have been playing around in the lake and laughing at each other for the past 15 minutes. We just started to play Marco Polo a minute ago. I was Marco, damn her for using scissors.
“MARCO!” I yelled, swimming around near the right side of the lake. The lake was big; there was a small but big waterfall at the left side of the lake. You could hear the swishing sound of the waterfall everywhere so it was hard to find her voice.
“POLO!” she laughed, it sounded near the waterfall so I swam as best I could without opening my eyes.
“Marco!” I yelled, as I was closer to the waterfall now. I heard Rogue go underwater with a splash. “Marco!” Rogue came back up for air, without any sound.
“Polo,” whispered Rogue from behind him. She smiled as I opened my eyes when I turned around to look at her, smiling also. “Hey!” She said softly.
“Hey,” I whispered to Rogue as she was so close to me, we did not have to talk loudly. ‘ Wow, she looks so beautiful when she’s wet’ I thought. Her swimsuit was a dark blue, now it looked a little black because it was wet. I was wearing my blue swimsuit. I shook my heard mentally. ‘DO NOT THINK OF THAT!’ ” So how do you feel about not having powers?”
” I love it, I’m just so happy I can touch people. Even though I did get it with a bump on my head for it.” She answered with a little smile.
“Good.” I said and then went underwater and went to her feet. I grabbed them and pulled her underwater. I went up at that point. She came back up after a minute, angrily.
“SCOTT!” she yelled hitting him. I smiled grabbed her hands, she stopped trying to hit me with interest. Well I think it was interest. I pulled her close to me; she blushed at how close we were together.
I did not know what was going threw my mind at the time but I kissed her. I mean really kissed her deeply. She was in shock for about a second before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I was surprised I thought she would pull away and never talk to me. After about 10 minutes of kissing each other on the lips, we pulled apart for air. She still had her arms around me and my hands were on her waist.
“Wow,” she said out of breath, she smiled at me. “You are a pretty good kisser Scott.”
“Thanks but I’m not the only one that is a good kisser.” I smiled at her, she blushed a little.
“Not that I did not like kissing you, actually I loved it, but why did you?” she asked shyly.
“Actually I have wanted to do that for awhile now.” I blushed a lot.
“Really?” she asked smiling. I nodded smiling also. “Good because I wanted to do that too for a very long time.” She said blushing more.

At the Xavier Mansion:
“My plan is working perfectly, now all they have to do is for Scott to ask her out.” Said a man in a wheelchair, smiling to himself.
“Professor what are you doing?” asked Hank AKA Beast, hearing Xavier’s words. Startled the Professor turned around.
“Hank! Umm… I’m going nothing, nothing at all!” the Professor said as he was caught in the act.
“Yes you were, you were sneaking into Scott’s and Rogue’s minds again weren’t you?” Hank smiled. That was the fourth time he was caught by the teachers.
“I’ll admit it, yes I have.” The professor said sighing. Hank laughed softly.
“Oh Xavier, Xavier,” Hank said shaking his head while he left the room, laughing.

Near the Lake:
Dark Star smiled to himself. He was watching Rogue and Scott since they were in the lake. He was behind a tree listening and watching them.
“She really deserved this.” He said to him self, watching them kiss.

Later that Night:
Rogue smiled to herself. She was going over what happened today in the lake. Her smile widened with the thought that she and Scott kissed. She couldn’t believe it. It was like every dream she had with him and her getting together that the real one was the best. Well in truth it was, since it was real!
Her smile leased when she thought of something. But what bugged her the most was that she knew he liked Jean Grey, the redheaded Bitch.
She was everything Rogue wasn’t. Happy, outgoing, lovely, charming, beautiful, skinny, athletic, perfect-in-every-way girl next door etc. but most of all she could touch Scott whenever she wanted.
But the thing is Jean always breaks Scott’s heart and goes out with the Ass of a jock, Duncan. ‘Actually Jean and Duncan would make a perfect couple. The Bitch and the Ass.’ thought Rogue, giggling a little bit. ‘And then they’ll have little Bitches and little Asses together.’
Rogue started laughing with all the new mean thoughts she meant about Jean and Duncan. About the horrible wedding they would have, the worst honeymoon ever, about how Jean couldn’t go to college because she got pregnant, Duncan losing his hot dog job, Jean raising 10 brats, Jean the only working one, Jean losing control over her power, and so on.
And Rogue kept laughing and laughing, but not loudly for Scott to hear.

That night Rogue made chicken, rice, and gravy. Scott found out that Rogue was, thankfully, a pretty good at cooking unlike Kitty.
“Rogue, you’re a good cook. Maybe you should teach Kitty how to cook.” Said Scott, laughing a little. Rogue giggled.
“Ah did, well Ah tried to but she still kept on adding more or less ingredients.” Rogue said, both were laughing.
After about a minute they became quit. All you could here was the crickets, the night creatures, a werewolf could be heard off in the distance, and the forks hitting the plates.

Chapter 7
The Next Day:
Of course Rogue stayed in her room for half of the day, trying to ignore Scott, because she didn’t want to have an awkward talk again, or silence. She had unpacked all her clothes, and make up, jewel, and books she brought with her for her vacation, when she began one of the books.
When she was on the third chapter of the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Scott knocked on her door.
“Come In” said Rogue as she flipped a page. Scott opened the door and walked in.
” Hey, I made dinner if you’re hungry.” said Scott to Rogue, smiling a little. Rogue finally looked at Scott and smiled a small one too.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” Said Rogue, Scott nodded and left without saying anything.

Ah sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the food in front of me. It was home made pizza. It looked good; Ah just hoped it was good, because Ah never tasted any of Scott’s meals. Ah looked at Scott, and he looked at me, he looked worried. Ah just smile and sliced two pieces of pizza and put one on mah plant and the other on Scott’s. And Ah picked my slice of pizza, ready to bite when I noticed Scott looking at me.
Rogue looked at Scott with a confused look before she took a bite of Scott’s pizza. There was a second when she stopped and spit out the bit she had in her mouth on her plate. When she whipped off her mouth she looked at Scott. Scott saw she turned a little greenish.
“GOD Scott! What the hell did yah put in the pizza?” Rogue cursed. Her face became a little like it usually did.
“Oohh…..” Scott blushed. “What you’re suppose to… I think.” He shrugged and tried his pizza. After a second he spit it out. His face was now greenish color. He made a gagging sound.
Rogue couldn’t help it and started to giggle in a non-Rogue-kind-of-way. Scott frowned. He prayed it would be good this one time, but like always it didn’t work and now he felt sick.
‘No wonder Professor wouldn’t let Scott cook when it was the student’s turn.’ thought Rogue with a smile, ‘ Ah gotta tell Kitty about this. She’s better at making pizza then Scott is.’ Rogue laughed.
Scott looked, no more like glared at her. ‘So what if I didn’t make it eatable, she doesn’t have to laugh at me!’ Scott thought. Rogue just laughed even more.
“Man Scott…. Kitty can make a better…. Home made…. Pizza… then… this!” she said in between taking breaths to calm her self down. Scott frowned even more. Now he was the worse cook at school, worse then Kitty.
A few minutes later Rogue completely calmed down. “Here Scott, how about Ah make dinner from now on, until you learn how to cook?” Scott looked at Rogue and nodded.
“Fine by me, As long as I never have to cook anything ever again.” Scott said smiling.

Later That Night:
Rogue sighed as she floated on her back in the lake. Scott’s pizza had made her stomach feel sick an hour ago, but her stomach felt much better now. She felt calmed, and that rarely happens to her.
Rogue looked up at the bright and beautiful stars and the moon.
She sighed. “Ah wish everything could stay the same.” But alas, it wouldn’t be. Rogue knew that. She just wished she could touch people for real, whenever she wanted.
Not what she has now. She could touch people, but when that time ends she doesn’t know.

x-men: cyclops, x-men: jean grey, x-men: beast, x-men: shadowcat, x-men, -2003, x-men: cyclops/rogue, x-men: prof. x, x-men: rogue, -rated pg13, x-men: wolverine

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