The Originals: Klaus/Cami: "His Clever Girl"

Dec 23, 2013 13:04

Title: His Clever Girl
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus/Cami
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Season 3 Episode 8 "The River in Reverse"
Summary: Cami doesn't leave. (it's more gen than shippy if anyone is worried about that)
Notes: After seeing the episode - this is what I wanted to happen. I still love Klaus/Caroline, but I really enjoy Klaus/Cami scenes the most in the new series and I love the ship too. Enjoy the drabble - let me know what you think!

Cami doesn't leave of course.

Despite the pain of seeing "killer" and "murderer" written in red paint over her brother's headstone every time she went to visit him. She just can't leave. She has to find out the truth behind her brother's actions - behind her missing time.

It only takes a few more days of research and a few more days of missing times that brings with it more clues until she figures it out.

Well for the most part anyway.

She knows Klaus is a vampire... or possibly a demon. She didn't want to believe it - that stuff was supposed to be fictional but they were the only thing that makes sense. How else would Klaus and Marcel be in a photo from 1919 and still be here in this century alive and un-aged?

Klaus finds out that she knows of course.

He knew she would figure it out - she was way too clever for her own good - his clever girl. Of course she doesn't realize that he knows, and he keeps it that way. Like she's told him before - he was a paranoid man and kept track of her every move. It wasn't even just because he confided in her... he likes her. She's not afraid of telling him off despite the fact that she's only human and knows that he could kill her. He can't quite explain it. She wasn't quite like Caroline besides the blonde hair and speaking her mind at him.

There was just something about her that called him to her.

So he drops the "only in his presence" compulsion eventually, since it wasn't working anyway. He also tells her the truth behind her brother's murder spree. She learns about the witches, the Harvest, and how the witch that hexed her brother was killed by Elijah. Even as she cries, the truth also strengthens her at the same time it breaks her.

For the first in her life she wants revenge; she wants to see someone get hurt - tortured even.

The feeling doesn't go away - she doesn't actually expect it to go away, although Klaus explains he could make it. He'd take it all away if she wants. Before saying no to him, she thought about it - really thought about it. However, she remembered the emptiness she felt when he had done it before.

She didn't want that feeling ever again.


the vampire diaries/originals: klaus/cam, the vampire diaries/originals, the vampire diaries/originals: klaus, the vampire diaries/originals: cami, -2013, -rated pg

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