Dec 19, 2011 23:14

Title: Falling Slowly
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Pairings: Scott/Rogue, mentions of others
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Season 1 & 2. Slightly AU -> alternate/deleted scenes. Some language.
Artist: sukiyakiya (Art/Fanmix here)
Summary: How Scott and Rogue slowly fell for each other...
Notes: Written for xmenbigbang. I will be making a sequel, rewriting/adding to Seasons 3 & 4.

"You know, subtly isn't really your thing Scott."

"What? What do you mean?" Scott stared up at her as if he was the perfect example of innocence. Rogue rolled her eyes at him and huffed slightly as he tried to deny any knowledge of what she was talking about.

"First, you followed us and then you showed up at the warehouse." Rogue explained, causing Scott's eyes to widen with shock. Not even Jean had known that he and Kurt had been at the warehouse with them. Rogue hid her smile at his shock. "Let's see the car theft's boss car moved with some sort of blast, just before that area blew up due to the oil. You really think that went unnoticed?"

"Jean didn't seem to have seen it," Scott said softly. "She just knew we'd followed you."

"Yeah well, I was watching, and I could have missed it if I had been looking anywhere else. And I think I know that blast anywhere by now." Rogue said firmly. With how many times it saved her life and the few times she had been powered with it, there was no way she'd mistake it for anything else.

"You aren't angry about it?"

"Why would I be angry? If you weren't there we might have accidently hurt him worse than locking him in that car. I'm glad you were there. And it's not like the whole reason I joined the Sirens was because I didn't want men's help. I joined because it was fun, and for a minute there, all of us got along and it felt great. It felt empowering." Rogue admitted, finally taking a seat beside him on the couch.

"Then I'm sorry they shut you down," Scott said sincerely, Rogue smiled at him.

"Thanks, but it's alright. It was fun while it lasted."


"Where were you three?" Scott questioned as Rogue exited the hanger. It was only at that moment when she realized that she missed their weekly danger room session. She didn't exactly regret missing it since she had finally went on a mission (although it wasn't anything like she expected), she did feel bad about not telling Scott about it or asking him if he wanted to join. Not that Logan would have allowed it.

"In the Sahara Desert, believe it or not." Rogue admitted as he followed her down the hall. He stared at her in shock.

"The Sahara? Why were you there? Is there a new mutant?" Scott questioned quickly.

"No new mutant, Logan's past caught up to him and we had to take care of it." Rogue said softly, after making sure no one else was in the hallway. Scott stared at her in surprise.

"What happened?"

"A project that's dangerous to humans had to be destroyed completely, especially since Magneto had stolen it." Rogue said finally. She wanted to keep it from him, but she would only feel more guilty for keeping it hidden from him that Magneto was back. It was bad enough she hadn't told him about the scattered memories she can remember from people she touched, especially when they deal with Magneto.

"Did you guys get the mission complete then?" Rogue nodded.

"Mission's complete and a success." Scott smiled with relief and wrapped an arm around her. A blush appeared on her cheeks as he walked down the hall with her.

"So are you going to tell me the full story or should I get it out of Kurt?" Scott questioned with a smirk.

Smiling at his words, Rogue leaned in closer to Scott. "Depends on what kind of offer you're going to make for the information."

"Offer?" Scott joked, "What kind of an offer were you looking for?"

Something you will never give to me, Rogue thought sadly and silently cursed her thoughts for turning this moment into a sour one. Quickly, Rogue smirked up at him to hid her moment of weakness. "I believe you'll think of something."

"So are you going to the carnival?

"Of course I'm going, what else am I going to do that would be more exciting than that?" Rogue questioned, an eyebrow quirked with amusement.

"Geez, I was just making sure. Who are you going with?" Scott questioned , rubbing the back if his neck. It was a trait Rogue knew that he does when he's nervous about something. She was a little confused as to why he was so nervous around her right now.

"I don't know, Risty has other plans so I figured I'll go alone and probably meet up with Kitty or Kurt." Rogue explained as she silently studied Scott, who immediately looked relieved at her answer.

"Did you want to go with me?" Scott questioned finally and Rogue's eyes widened at his question. His question was a surprise because he had no reason to need her to go to the carnival. Wasn't Taryn his girlfriend? She would be sure to be there and the last thing Rogue wanted was to be put into the middle of something.

"What about Taryn?" Rogue asked after several minutes of staying quiet. Scott let out a deep breath he had been holding, relieved that she hadn't said no yet.

"She's probably going, I don't know."

Rogue stared at him in confusion. "You don't know if your girlfriend will be at the carnival?"

Scott let out a laugh before he realized she wasn't laughing as well. He stared at her in disbelief, "Wait, you think I'm dating Taryn?"

"Uh, yeah, everyone does." Rogue stated, folding her arms against her chest. "She's been hanging all over you the last few months."

"Well yeah she's been hanging out with me more lately, but I've never asked her out." Scott admitted, "Geez, everyone really thinks we're dating?"

"Yes - even Taryn broadcasts it in the bathroom," Rogue said without thinking. The memory of Taryn shouting it out load in the bathroom while she was inside still hurt. Scott's eyes widened in embarrassment.

"I can't believe she did that! I thought we were just friends," Scott said.

"Well, I guess if you two are only friends, I guess I can go with you to the carnival," Rogue stated softly. A large grin appeared on his lips at her statement.

"Excellent, I'll pick you up at five?" Scott asked, causing Rogue to laugh at his joke.

"Sure, I'll be ready by then," Rogue said before leaving the room. The carnival definitely sounds much better with the prospect of going with Scott.


"You alright?" Scott questioned softly as he watched Rogue rub her back. Turning around to face him, Rogue smiled softly.

"Just a little bruised from the tumble into the truck - I'm alright. How about you?" Rogue asked.

"Let's just say I hate it when something like that happens - I'm glad I didn't hurt anyone with my powers with that little stunt in the air."

Rogue nodded in understanding, she was very happy that Mesmero hadn't chosen her to be one his slaves. She didn't even want to think of what he might have made her do with her powers.


"So Taryn asked you to the prom," Rogue said softly. Despite knowing that it wouldn't have been a good idea to ask him to the dance, she couldn't help but hate the fact that he was going with Taryn (or Jean if she had gotten there first).

Scott shrugged as he put on his uniform shoes. "Yeah, it was a surprise but I guess it'll be alright."

Rogue chuckled at his nonchalance. "How was it a surprise? Taryn's been after you for months and finally there's a dance where the girls ask the boys. I told you about her earlier, remember? Before the carnival."

"Oh, right," Scott said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "I forgot about that. Geez, I guess I just encouraged her by saying yes then?"

"Yeah, you definitely encouraged her." Rogue stated, shaking her head in disappointment. She knew it wasn't Scott's fault - and she in no way blamed him - but she still hated the fact he was going with Taryn to the dance.

"Well, I'll just have to tell her it didn't mean anything." Scott promised softly, unsure why Rogue looked so upset. "So who did you ask to the dance?"

"No one," Rogue stated firmly as she slowly put on her shoes.

Scott stared at her in surprise. "There isn't anyone you wanted to ask?"

Rogue looked up at him sadly, half wishing he knew she wanted him to go with her and the other half wished he would change the subject despite the fact she was the one that had started this conversation. "Can't touch, remember?"

"Rogue - you can't keep holding back because of that, especially if it's a dance. You don't have to
necessarily touch while dancing." Scott suggested, wishing there was some way to convince her to go. He wanted her to be there and to have fun.

"And if my partner didn't know about my powers and touches me? What then when my hair falls out of place? Or maybe I'll accidentally bump into someone?" Rogue asked, memories of the last dance she went to flashed through her mind. She hated herself for what what happened to Cody.

"And maybe that won't happen, why deny yourself some fun?" Scott asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "If Kurt can figure a way to go to the dance with Amanda, then you should figure out a way to go to the dance."

"Yeah well who would I ask anyway? Everyone that is going has dates, or would never in the million years say yes. And it's a little late asking people to the dance." Rogue answered finally giving up arguing with Scott.

Scott sighed softly, trying to think of anyone he knew that didn't have a date that had wanted to go to the dance. Everyone he could think of just wouldn't be interested in going to a dance, and the others he didn't trust enough to go with Rogue. Nor did he like the idea of another guy take her to the dance, although he tried to ignore the reason behind that feeling. She stared at his thoughtful expression that slowly turned to disappointment and let out a deep breath.

"If it means so much for you, for me to go, I'll just go with Risty. Technically she already did ask, and at least I wouldn't have to worry about any slow dances or anything like that." Rogue stated, unsure how Scott had managed to change her mind completely and somehow she was now coming to the dance.

Scott grinned at the idea, "Excellent, as long as you promise to save me a few of those slow dances."

Rogue's eyes widened before she turned her face away to hide her flushed cheeks. "I promise, Scott."


"What are you going to do with a new mutants-free weekend?" Rogue asked with amused smile. Scott chuckled and shrugged.

"Didn't really think about it, probably run a few more danger room sessions I've been wanting to try. And you, what are you going to do with a Kitty-free weekend?" Scott asked as he typed away at his computer. Rogue's smile widened.

"Turn my music as loud as I want is on the top ten to-do list," Rogue admitted. "The rest, haven't really decided. Probably go and see whatever movie's out."

Scott turned to face her, his interest suddenly peaked at the idea of going to the movies. "I could definitely go see a movie - it's been a while since I saw one, and I think one of the new movies out is one I've wanted to see. You don't mind a tag along, do you?"

"Never, Scott. Whatever you want to see will be great," Rogue admitted with a smile. She was happy that Scott wanted to go out with her to the movies, even if he only meant it as friends.

"Perfect, when did you have in mind?" Scott asked, relieved that she hadn't said no. They hadn't had enough time to spend with each other since the carnival and he hated that. The dance had been ruined with the creatures from the dimension Kurt teleported through, thus leaving him no chance to dance with her and to make sure she had a fun night. Thankfully he hadn't really had to worry about Taryn clinging to him the whole night with the attack happening - he'd gotten her to go home with her friends, leaving him with the rest of the X-men to take care of the creatures.

"Tomorrow sometime? I wanted to make sure my homework was done for Monday." Rogue suggested, and Scott nodded in agreement. Glancing over to the computer screen, she smiled softly. "Tell Alex I said hi."

Scott grinned, "How did you know I was writing Alex?"

"Women's intuition, " Rogue joked causing Scott to chuckle. In reality, it was the look he got when he wrote to Alex that let her know that he was writing to him, but he didn't really need to know that.

"Right. I'm sure," Scott said with amusement, turning back to quickly type the quick message from Rogue to Alex in his e-mail.


"I know we never talk much about Jean," Scott began and suddenly the evening's prospect started to decline in Rogue's mind.

Despite knowing he was in love with Jean from the memories and thoughts she took from him nearly a year ago, they hadn't actually spoken about them out loud. It was something she was relieved he had never brought up around her. And it was something that it seemed Scott wanted to change tonight. Trying to fight the instinct to run and hide, Rogue slowly turned in her seat at her desk and faced him as he leaned foreword. She could clearly see he was frustrated - his eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance and the homework in front of him was clearly forgotten. Rogue had known something was on his mind when he entered her room earlier and asked if he could stay and work on homework with her. But she never expected it dealt with Jean.

"What about Jean?" Rogue asked finally, and even to her ears her voice sounded tired and broken, causing her to silently curse herself. However Scott wasn't exactly paying attention, he could only replay the day's earlier discussion with Jean. The one where he was so close to telling Jean how he really felt about her, but then Duncan ruined everything.

"I was going to tell her." Scott admitted finally, glancing up. "I was going to get everything out in the open - so I wouldn't have to hide anymore. So I could finally admit that I liked her, as in more then a friend to her directly."

It hurt worse out loud than she expected, but she couldn't do anything to change it. It was her own fault for falling for Scott, it wasn't his, and it wasn't as if he knew she liked him. Only Kitty and Risty seemed to be able to tell that she did, everyone was thankfully oblivious about it. And as much as it hurt her knowing he liked Jean in that way, it hurt just as much knowing he was in pain because of it.

"What happened?" Rogue asked softly, knowing that if he had gotten a chance to say something - he wouldn't be here right now. They'd probably be off on a date and having their first kiss. Rogue hated how she could hear the bitterness in her voice at her words.

"Duncan appeared, and she went off with him." Scott explained, "What am I supposed to do? She admitted they were having trouble, and that she didn't like him as much as she thought she did. Do I just go and admit how I feel? Do I want to feel like the rebound from Duncan?"

Despite the bitterness and feeling upset over the conversation, Rogue wouldn't lie to Scott, not even if it meant she brought Scott and Jean together. "Scott, no matter who you're with, you'd never be a rebound. You're ten times the man Duncan is, and that's why I'm going to suggest to tell you to keep it to yourself. At least for now. You can't go and admit something like that and not expect to feel the blow back of what might happen when Jean breaks up with Duncan. When they break up, and they will, you can admit how you feel. Trust me."

"How do you know they're going to break up?" For the first time since he joined her, he looked a lot less stressed and even happy to an extent despite the fact Rogue had told him to wait. Rogue let a deep sigh, and shrugged her shoulders - silently wishing this conversation could end and be long forgotten.


"We never lose... not to the Brotherhood." Scott stated firmly, anger laced with each word he spoke causing Rogue study him in concern. She hadn't seen him this upset since Lance joined the X-Men, but what worried her more was the fact that he was taking it a lot harder than he did in that situation.

She wasn't sure how she felt about it - knowing Mystique was back wasn't really shocking, Rogue had known long ago that Mystique would show up again. It upset her, knowing she was back, but she also felt a short burst of relief at knowing she was alright. She hated that feeling, because Rogue knew should completely hate Mystique after everything she did to her - for lying and tricking her. However, besides Irene, she had been the only mother figure she had that also showed a tender side of her self to. Something she hid from the others in the Brotherhood.

However, not only did she feel upset and a slice of relief at her return, Rogue felt worried as well. She had seen Mystique's return in Toad's memories. Saw her anger and revenge filled eyes. The battle at the mall was only the beginning, and Rogue didn't know what will happen next.

"How can just one addition to the team beat us?" Scott shouted as he punched the wall, barely wincing at the pain he felt because of it.

Rogue drew in a deep breath, wishing she could comfort Scott about the loss, but nothing she could say would help calm him. However, he deserved the truth. She walked slowly up behind him, so as not to surprise him.

"Mystique's back," Rogue admitted, resting her hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. "I saw it when I got a flush of Toad's memories."

"Mystique?" She didn't wince at the look in his face - the glow of his eyes were clearly visible which intensified how angry he looked. "What is she planning?"

"I don't know, the only thing I could get from his memories were flashes of Mystique's return and Wanda joining the Brotherhood. I wish I could tell you more, but I don't know anything else. Mystique isn't a person to reveal what she has plans until she's ready to play them." Rogue explained softly and Scott let out a growl of annoyance. He wasn't angry or annoyed with Rogue, he was angry at himself - for losing the battle, for not being prepared enough to defeat Wanda. He's trained everyday since Professor Xavier took him in, how could someone just take him on like that and turn his own powers against his own teammates - that's what he doesn't understand.

As he finally looked into Rogue's eyes and expression, he realized he wasn't the only one upset by the defeat or the return of Mystique. Knowing how much it would hurt Rogue at the appearance of Mystique, he pulled her to him.

"We'll be prepared next time," Scott promised softly as she wrapped her arms around him. The anger he felt moments ago slowly fell away and was replaced with a sense of calm. He knew he'd do better next time. The Brotherhood didn't defeat the X-Men, it just isn't going to happen. Not again.


"Scott?" Rogue greeted, hoping that it would get his attention, only there was no reply. She let out a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She didn't like what was happening. Not at all. She had a really bad feeling and wished he was coming with them to fight Magneto.

"I know you're there, Scott..." Rogue continued and she only heard a slight intake of breath as a reply. "I know you're angry, but I really think it would be a good idea if you came with us. We'll be leaving in about twenty minutes, there's room for you on the x-helicopter. Scott? We really need you."

I need you. The words seemed to echo in her thoughts and she couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut and hold the phone tighter.

"Just be careful," Scott said finally, the words soft and Rogue opened her eyes. "I don't know what's going on, but I just can't trust it."

"I'll be careful, Scott, but why can't you come?"

"I can't... I just - no. Not after everything that's happened, Rogue. I'm sorry."


He silently studied the group that had gotten out of the x-helicopter, shouting for the new mutants. Jean, Kitty, Kurt, Ororo, and only Toad, Lance, and Wanda was left of the Brotherhood. The imposter in the Professor Xavier disguise got out of the helicopter last.

Rogue wasn't there.

The anger he had felt earlier became even stronger at realizing she wasn't there, that he had no idea if she was alright or not.

Mystique was going to pay.


~xmenbigbang: falling slowly

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