Title: Formal Wear & Plans
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings: Clark/Zatanna
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AU.
Summary: Zatanna wears a formal dress...
Notes: Written for my 40 Days of Drabbles and written for
sv100 prompt red & Monthly Challenge. First time writing Clark/Zatanna! Hopefully not my last.
His face blushed scarlet as he caught sight of me, and it made me grin. Wearing something of this formal style wasn’t really my thing - I felt way more at home with my fishnets or jeans than I was with long formal gowns. But the fact that I had Clark Kent blushing was worth any sort of discomfort this dress made me feel.
Especially since I could already feel him ripping the dress off me…. Damn it I can’t wait until we get back home. A wicked thought of putting him in the dress had me silently laughing at him.