Angel/Supernatural: Angel/Ellen: "Better Then She Remembered"

Dec 08, 2007 01:59

Title: Better Then She Remembered
Fandoms: Angel/Supernatural
Pairings: Ellen/Angel
Rating: T
Warnings/Spoilers: Supernatural Season 2.
Summary: The first time she met him, she hadn’t known who or what he was.
Notes: Dedicated to mhalachaiswords. Written for the spn_angel’s Kissing Meme!

The first time she met him, she hadn’t known who or what he was. She was just a teenager, but she knew what was out there - knew appearances shouldn’t always be trusted. But back then she didn’t care if he could have been a vampire or a demon. She just wanted to piss off her parents, especially her dad. He had been so controlling and so protective of her while growing up all she wanted to do was rebel away from him. Hunt her way, hunt by herself. She just wanted to feel, and he did just that. He made her feel like she was a queen on top of the world with his kisses.

The second time she met him he saved her, or really helped her enough so she could get her grounds and finish off the group of vampires. She thanked him, not in the traditional sense of a verbal “thanks” but like her old rebellious teenage-self, jumping into his arms and kissing him like she would die other wise. It was just like she remembered, just like she dreamed it would be again. Only it felt so much better. She still didn’t know what he was, and she didn’t really even think him any different then her - a hunter.

The third time they met, however, he messed up and went into his “game” face during a fight. She felt betrayed, hurt, and unbelievably stupid. She felt so disappointed to her self because it didn’t change how she felt about him - not a lot anyway - she still wanted to kiss him. He explained to her he was different, he wasn’t like other vampires. He had a soul. He saves and protects the innocents. That he was actually kind of like her, a hunter that is. She realized he was right - if he had wanted to kill her he would have done so already. He wouldn’t waste his time pretending to fight for the good just to get close to her.

The fourth time they met she was married to Billy and little Jo was turning five. When she met him again, all she wanted to do was leave Billy and go with him - to never leave his side. But his appearance was only brief. She hadn’t even been able to speak with him before Jo entered the room and came jumping into my arms, and quicker then she had ever seen, he disappeared. She knew he felt hurt, betrayed, etc - all the feelings she had felt before. But she also knew he understood. But that didn’t stop her from feeling hurt and wanting to find him and say good-bye and feeling afraid that she would never see him again.

The last time they met was after Jo finally left to hunt on her own. She should have known Jo would do that, she was just like her and she shouldn’t have pushed her. She could barely believe her eyes when he entered the bar, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. All she could do was silently thank god no one was in the bar and Ash was off somewhere else. When he saw her, he smiled softly in his shy manner. She grinned and sat down the cup she had been cleaning and went to stand in front of him. As she stood in front of him, she couldn’t help but feel like she was so much younger then she really was.

“Angel,” She hadn’t known how much she had missed him until he stood before her. His smile grew to a grin. She kissed him and it was just as good as it ever was, maybe even better then she remembered. And that was the last time they spent less then a weekend apart from each other.


supernatural: jo, btvs/ats: angel, supernatural: crossover, btvs/ats, -rated pg13, supernatural: ellen, -2007, supernatural, btvs/ats: crossover

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