Title: Wishes and Stray Thoughts
Fandom: Wolverine and the X-Men
Pairings: Jean/Scott, implied Emma/Scott.
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: 1x26.
Summary: He just couldn't sleep.
Notes: Written for
xmen100 prompt Bed.
Jean’s body beside him should have comforted him. He’s been waiting months and what felt like years to have her in his arms again, and yet… his mind was miles away… and on someone else.
He wished he could have saved her… saved Emma. Even after all that she did, he didn’t think of her as the bad guy. She was a good woman (even if she was bitch to everyone most of the time). And she was a damn good X-Men.
He hated she had to sacrificed herself to prove her worth - hated the Phoenix for making her.