Smallville: Chloe/AC +others: "Nothing Brings The Team Together Better Than Labor"

Apr 09, 2009 01:10

Title: Nothing Brings The Team Together Better Than Labor
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings: Chloe/AC, Oliver/Zatanna, Dinah/Bart, Clark/Lois.
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic. Bets?
Summary: Chloe goes into labor while being the Watchtower during an important mission. And despite the fact that AC can't get to her right away, she has the rest of the team to keep her company.
Notes: Written for my 40 Days of Drabbles. Also written for ships50 prompt Family and for paranormal25 prompt Oracle. Yeah well this drabble turned into a hell of a lot more than I expected. Enjoy! :) And yeah the title is weird.. I just couldn't think of anything else.
[ ...O/Z Table... ] [ ...C/A Table... ]

“Oh crap,” Chloe whispered as she clenched her stomach as the pain hit again.

“Watchtower?” AC’s voice over the comm brought her attention back to the guys.

“I’m fine,” Chloe stated as calmly as she could. She studied the screens in front of her, “Everyone’s clear.”

“Thanks, and you sure Sidekick?” Green Arrow’s voice sounded concerned.

“Perfectly. Now heads on the mission, guys.” Chloe managed to say before silencing her side of the comm. Chloe let out groan as another contraction hit.

“Chloe?” Zatanna appearing beside her. Chloe let out a moan of disappointment.

“So the baby is coming?” At Zatanna’s nod, Chloe let out a laugh. “Well, I should have realized something like this might happen.”

“Why didn’t you tell AC? He’ll want to know.” Zatanna asked, wrapping an arm around Chloe and helping her to the couch.

“He’s on a mission, and I can’t stop it. It took forever us to find it, and we can’t lose this chance. Besides, it’ll be hours before it really comes... ‘sides I’m sure he wouldn’t want to hear me curse at him.”

Zatanna let out a laugh, “I don’t know about that… AC gets turned on by whatever you say and do, so it might not change.”

Chloe chuckled and nodded, “Probably not. Can you take over the command controls? They shouldn’t need anything unless you spot someone near them.”

Zatanna nodded, “Of course, I’m going to call the others, alright?”

“Don’t forget about Lois… she’ll want to be here,” Chloe smiled at the memory of her cousin threatening her to be the first person to know if she went into labor or not.

“I know,” Zatanna stated before getting up and smiled down at the pregnant woman. “The baby will be perfectly healthy, Chlo’ don’t worry.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about-”

“AC and Ollie will be here in a few hours, Chloe, they’ll make it. I know it.”

Chloe grinned at the magician, “Thanks Z.”

“My pleasure,” Zatanna stated with a bow before disappearing and reappearing in front of the command desk. She put on Chloe’s comm link and called for Clark, Bart and Dinah (making sure that they were the only ones that heard her). Within seconds Clark and Lois were there and Bart and Dinah joined them only a few seconds later.

“Chloe?” Lois ran over to her cousin and hugged her. “How are you doing? Where’s AC?”

“I’m doing good, I guess… ugh-” Chloe winced as another contraction started. “He’s coming… he’s on a mission with Ollie.”

Lois frowned at her, “You didn’t tell him did you?” Lois glanced over to Zatanna and narrowed her eyes. Zatanna rolled her eyes at the brunette. Lois didn’t quite like the magician since she found out about how she and Chloe met and when she found out Oliver started dating her. Lois still didn’t quite trust Zatanna, but she put up with her… for the sake of Chloe who had since forgiven the magician and became close friends.

“He’ll be here… trust me.” Zatanna stated, knowing that Lois still didn’t. She glanced over Clark, “Can you take Chloe in the room? Ollie’s doctor should be here soon.”

Clark nodded and carefully lifted his best friend up and zipped out of the room. Bart zipped over to Lois with a large grin on her face.

“Ready to be an Aunt Lois?”

Lois chuckled at him. “Of course… how about you?”

“Well… I definitely can’t be his Aunt Lois… but I’ll be the coolest Uncle Bart he’ll ever have.”

“Bart, we don’t know the sex yet! Stop presuming it’s something,” Dinah stated, whacking him in the arm. Lois laughed at him as he pouted at his girlfriend.

“Come on, it has to be a boy… I looked it up on the internet… there’s this really cool site that tells you what kind of baby you’ll have.”

Dinah rolled her eyes at him, “That’s completely fake, Bart.”

“Possibly, but weirder things have happened,” Bart stated before glancing towards the others. “Anyone else hungry?”

“I’m in the mood for Chinese,” Zatanna yelled over. Dinah nodded in agreement while Lois rolled her eyes at them.

“Chloe’s in labor and all you guys can think about is food?” Bart titled his head with a pout causing her to smile in return. “Find… hmm, I’m in the mood for Mexican.”

“Excellent, Clark?” Clark zipped back into the room and grinned in thanks at the younger man.

“I’m hungry for a pizza, so will the guys when they get back. Plus Chloe wants cookie dough ice cream.”

Bart jumped up and quickly bowed jokingly. “And away the servant Bart goes,” he stated before zipping out of the Clocktower.


A few hours later, AC ran into Chloe’s room in a slight panic. “How is she doc?”

The older man around his early fifties smiled at the father-to-be, “She’s doing great. You got here just in time.”

“Yeah,” Chloe stated, taking deep breaths. “And you better get yourself over here.”

AC jogged over to where his wife lay on the bed and quickly grabbed her hand, which Chloe gleefully squeezed with all her might as another contraction started causing AC to wince in pain.


“Think AC will faint?”

“Bart!” Dinah shouted, causing him to grin at her knowing that she was too far away to hit him.

“What? It’s a completely valid question… now, anyone want to start any bets?” Bart questioned, glancing over at Lois with his eyebrows wiggling. Lois let out a laugh and shook her head.

“No way… I’m already betting on the sex and if I’m wrong, which I highly doubt I am, I’ll need to pay up on that.” Lois admitted causing Clark to roll his eyes. Victor shook his head in disagreement.

“You are totally wrong and I can’t wait to see your face when you find out it’s a boy,” Bart stated sticking his tongue at the older woman.

“No, I don’t think so.. I can’t wait until I see YOUR face when you find out it’s a girl.”

Dinah, Clark and Victor both sighed in exhaustion as Lois and Bart once again started to argue. Zatanna grinned over at the others. She stood beside Oliver in the doorway to the hallway leading to Chloe’s room.

“I personally can’t wait to see their faces when they find out that they were both right,” Zatanna stated causing Oliver to raise his eyebrows in shock.

“They’re having twins?” Oliver whispered, Zatanna grinned and leaned into him.

“Yup, saw it in the oracle.”

Oliver grinned before capturing his fiancée’s lips.


A few hours later, after the babies were cleaned up and in their parents arms, the doctor allowed the rest of the league in the room. He warned them to keep it down and not crowd the parents or the babies.

“Awe man, what does this mean about the bet?” Bart whispered to Lois who frowned.

“Damn and I wanted that extra twenty bucks.”

“It means you guys get to keep your money,” Zatanna whispered to them, holding in her laugh at the look the two gave her. “Shut it guys.”

“Guys, I want you to meet Kendra Moira Curry,” Chloe stated, lifting up the baby girl in her arms a little bit. She grinned over to AC.

“And this little guy is Troy Thomas Curry.”


The twin's names were chosen for their meanings.
Kendra = "magical, water baby"
Moira = Chloe's mother and it means "sea of bitterness"
Troy = "water"
Thomas = AC's father and it means "a twin"

smallville, original: troy thomas curry, smallville: clark, -2009, smallville: oliver, smallville: victor, smallville: dinah, smallville: dinah/bart, smallville: ac, smallville: ac/chloe, smallville: zatanna, original: kendra moira curry, -rated pg, smallville: chloe, smallville: lois, smallville: zatanna/oliver, smallville: clark/lois, smallville: bart

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