Charmed/Supernatural: Piper & Castiel: "An Angel From Above"

Apr 05, 2009 21:41

Title: An Angel From Above
Fandoms: Charmed and Supernatural
Pairings: none, but implied Piper/Castiel
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: S4 for SPN. AU!S6 for Charmed.
Summary: Piper meets Castiel who needs her help.
Notes: Written for daria234 prompt alliances at comment_fic. First Charmed fic in a VERY long time and first Castiel fic. Enjoy. I might write more for this if anyone likes it or I get inspired.

She hadn’t thought much of him at first… that is until she realized he sat down beside her.

Than she thought it was rather creepy for a man in a trench coat to just settle down and look out over the playground where there were little children playing.

That was when he turned around to face her and she had a bad feeling that he wasn’t one of those perverts she had been thinking of, but instead something that knew exactly who she was and what she was.

He titled his head and smiled softly, not unkindly, so she calmed down only slightly, but kept her hands at the ready… just in case.

“Piper Halliwell. Second daughter of Patricia Halliwell. A Charmed one,” the man stated, his face not giving anything away. He studied her silently.

“Who are you?” Piper asked, her eyes narrowing at him, preying that if she didn’t look at Wyatt than he wouldn’t know where her son was.

“My name is Castiel,” he stated simply before glancing away from her.

“Alright, then, how do you know me? What do you want?”

“All of the angels know of you and your sisters, and I need your help.” Castiel stated turning his attention back on her. Piper’s eyes widened in shock - he didn’t look like any Whitelighter.

“Why do you need my help?” Piper asked, unsure if she should help Castiel or not.

“It is not exactly me that needs your help, but Sam Winchester… I’m worried about him and I believe speaking with you would help him.” Piper’s eyes widened at that.

“And just who is this Sam Winchester?”

Castiel smiled softly before gesturing towards Wyatt, who had run over and greeted the angel. “I shall explain more later, are you ready to go?”

“Now? Hey buddy, I didn’t exactly agree to helping out your charge!” Piper stated, grabbing hold of Wyatt. “I can’t just leave! My son needs me!”

“Do not worry, we shall drop him off with your sisters before going to Sam.” Castiel stated, simply before putting a hand on Piper’s shoulder. Before she could protest or knock his hand off her shoulder, they were at manor.


supernatural: crossover, -rated pg, charmed: piper, supernatural: castiel, -2009, charmed, charmed: crossover, supernatural

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