Stolen Idea - "Good News Friday"

Nov 06, 2009 09:37

Having been inspired by the brilliant temperlj these past few months by her ever-positive "Good News Friday" lists, I have decided that her brilliance must be shared - I hope she'll forgive me for stealing her idea, but it just seems like such a great way to remind oneself of the good things in life, no matter how small. I find that I tend to focus way too much on the struggles, the frustrations, the disappointments... Life will always be full of hardships, and I don't want to become one of those people who forgets the abundance of blessings in her life. I don't want to become a "spoiled American" who lets greed and discontent take over her life, always striving for more and never appreciating what she has (for those of you on Facebook, see the conversations stemming from my latest note). So... here goes:

* I have an interview with the Westchester Business Journal today. Free publicity for Sonic Legends! Woo hoo!

* Cody and Aragorn and I were cuddling on the couch last night and Cody put his arm around us both and said with utter joy and content in his voice, "Family." Aragorn was purring up a storm. I suddenly felt so grateful for them both that I got all teary-eyed.

* Albacore tuna from Trader Joe's is defrosting for dinner as we speak.

* My check from CTRF came in, so I can afford to get my hair done this weekend (finally!) and still have enough to rent my harp for another three months.

* Negotiations are back on with Publisher no. 2

* (you will laugh at me for this one, but  I am still including it) my china cabinet. It makes me really happy. I don't know why. I just think it's so beautiful and elegant and even though the rest of my kitchen is in serious need of an overhaul, at least one corner of it is just delightful. I'm grateful for it.

* Fresh veggies from the farmer's market tomorrow

* Other than getting my hair done, I have nothing to do all weekend but compose the last soundscape for Black Spur. *bliss*

* Cody has hinted that he's getting me the new Dragon Age game for my birthday. *GeekJoy*

Ahhh, I feel better already! :)

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