May 15, 2009 06:39
I always wondered why brides tend to freak out about stupid things surrounding their wedding. I mean, it's a party for crying out loud! A celebration! It's supposed to be fun, not stressful! Why let it get to you?? Like most things, I'm finding that being in the shoes of those you don't understand teaches you a great deal. With my wedding five weeks away, I'm starting to understand how it's the little details that stress you out the most, simply because there are so damn many of them. And here's the thing -- I'm not a professional party planner! I've never planned an event on this scale before. Especially something that Christian family members, Jewish family members, pagans, young children and everyone in between will enjoy. I just can't shake the feeling that I'm in over my head, and I'm forgetting something really really important.
The thing that keeps me anchored and sane is reminding myself that in the end, no matter what happens, I will be married to my Cody. That always calms me and makes me feel better. Which, yeah, I guess that's probably a good sign. ;)
Tomorrow I must take a sandblaster to my filthy apartment. After that, we go tuxedo shopping, and I get a much-needed pedicure and perhaps even a haircut. When the sun goes down, some composing will be done -- I want to finish a little snippet of piano-and-orchestra music I started writing just because. I think it would be perfect for this library I'm signing with. And then on to working towards finishing "Desert Battle" for Sonic Legends. Must also go shopping this weekend for any misc. stuff we need for Rites of Spring next weekend. I can't believe it's almost here already! Time sure flies...
If I have time on Sunday, I really want to do a major purging of my closet. I have so many clothes that are old and threadbare, or have holes in them, or I will most certainly never fit into again. I'd really like to buy some decent spring/summer clothes for work, but I absolutely will not allow myself that until I've gotten rid of at least a third of the stuff I haven't worn in years. Some gardening might be in order too, if the weather is nice.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!