New Toys

Aug 01, 2005 15:49

My people just got some new toys I really like. But I'm a bit confused.

The new toys look like two frisbees on end that are attached to each other. My people climb on top and they (humans and frisbees) go really fast. They keep having me chase them up and down the street and it's lots of fun.

But here is where I am confused. Today ef2p got his frisbee thing out of the garage. I thought we were going to play and have some fun. But he closed the gate with him outside and I was stuck inside. Well fence have never been much of a problem, so after I few seconds, I hopped the fence and went to go play with him. I had to run hard but I caught up with him a block and a half later. The way he was moving I thought we were going to go for a long run but when he saw me, he turned around, went back home, locked me in the house and then left on the toy without me.

What is this new toy? Why am I encouraged to run with it sometimes but not others?
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