I fixed the formatting. Stupid LJ. Anyway, yeah, that's going up as soon as Mihai's previous scenes are posted. Because I feel that Mihai should have a kitten. He's quite capable of making pouty puppy eyes at Christian, but he probably shouldn't...
This is a convoluted answer. It's not any WoD setting but a friend's homebrewed world. His kind of vampire pretty much only has the one power, which is invisibility contingent on available darkness. He's fasting because vampires can't eat animal blood in this universe and Mihai refuses to take any more human blood than he absolutely needs to keep moving. Usually a week is about all he can manage without getting twitchy, and at the point this is being posted, it's been just barely five days since he fed.
He's fasting because vampires can't eat animal blood in this universe and Mihai refuses to take any more human blood than he absolutely needs to keep moving.
Comments 6
Awwww. Christian will so very much say yes. Really, anything Mihai wants that isn't too far-fetched, Christian will say yes to XD
And he's still mad at Brandon, whenever he thinks about that X3 (Mine. Mihai is mine, not his, how dare he etc etc etc)
Also, is Mihai fasting? What does he have three days to go until?
This is beautifully written, and I want to give Mihai and the cat a hug at the same time.
*catches breath* Thanks!
Aww, poor little guy. :( *hugs Mihai again*
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