Sep 22, 2005 18:05
Man today was pretty awsome with the rain and all. I had my sis and ben chang sprint out to my car with me after school in the crazy rain b/c i was not about to go get the car and wait in the line to pick them up so we sprinted to my car and when we got there we were super soaked. we were around like the first 50 kids to leave the school lol. So then i got home and went to Davids to start working out again to get in shape for the arm wrestling tournament im going to in December. While i was there it started to pour again and we both had to leave cause he had to go to marching band practice so we sprinted out to our cars. As i was driving through our sub, the roads were majorly flooded and i hit a very deep patch and couldnt see where i was going cause the water flooded my windshield and my car started to slow down tremendously cuase of how deep the wateer was, so i floored it and sat there peeling out in the water going like 5 mph for like 15 seconds until i checked up on some pavement and got outta there. lol. Now im home and have nothing to do cause i cant go anywhere.