Nov 06, 2009 15:18
This is Larp stuff - sorry to those on this list that do not understand this:
Over the last week many things have been talked about in regards to a club that I love and have been a part of since 1998.
I will agree there have been some things that club has done in the past that I have not always enjoyed, but it has become a sort of second family to me for good or bad.
I believe that now we can look to the future of our club and really look to the fans of the Word of Darkness both new and old and create something that offers all fans games, social activities and just pure fun for all.
I think this will require work and comprise on some parts - but in the end, as long as we look to avoid the mistakes of the past and be open to new idea and the fun that can come out of this experience we should I hope come out even better.
So to my fellow World of Darkness Larpers - what is it you really want?
What is it you desire in a club?
What is it you are willing to give?
How can the future be great for us?