Oct 22, 2009 11:21
Take this list and mark your standing on the following issues... now the interesting part. Take a good look at your answers and see how well they fit into your own political parties line.
Individual right to ownership of firearms
2nd ammendment
Mandatory firearm registration
These list have historicly been used to either collect guns after the fact or make "watch list" to harras people. It's an issue of privacy
Women's right to choose to have an abortion
While I don't agree with it as a birth control device, that caveat is invalid to the greater issue of how we as a society can not in any reasonable way know the situation of any woman that is facing this decision, this is a highly personal decision and not an easy black and white true/false scenario. The choice is in the woman's hands and potentially her signifigant others and no one elses.
Gay marriage
How can it be otherwise? who am I, or who are you to decide whom someone marries or the structure of that marriage?
Socialized medicine
I don't think the federal government is capable of administrating or providing quality service in this industry. Look at the VA, do we want our whole medical system to emulate that horrible system?
Health insurance reform
This entire industry has so many small print caveats and loopholes that it's damn near impossible to get them to pay for care correctly... and that's what you pay them for in the first place.
Credit Reform
Usuary is theft, credit cards are basicly usuary. Needs to be fixed and fair.
Marijuana Legalization
I consider it the same as alchohol and the resulting current "crime" epidemic is akin to prohibition times, make it legal and all of a sudden you have a new tax revenue stream, less non-violent offenders in prison, and more legal business opportunities available, while at the same time reducing violent crime because the only reason gangs and suppliers are so violent is because they're the only ones that control the product and want to maintain of the product throughout... just like the mob back in porhibition.
School Vouchers
More school choice... have you SEEN our public schools?
Teachers Unions
The union protects the incompetent and lazy making it impossible to get rid of bad teachers and properly reward good ones.
Progressive Taxes
Everyone should pay their fair and EQUAL share, no loopholes, no tax shelters, just a flat percentage across the board. The poor will get it back via services and the rich won't qualify for those services but everyone still pays in the same percentage wise. Plus how great would it be if your IRS forms where litteraly one page long and could actually be understood by someone that isn't insane?
For me as a libertarian I think it goes pretty well for my party line.