Musselman sprint tri

Jul 13, 2010 14:06

I was up in Geneva, NY last weekend for a race. What a beautiful, fun weekend and what a great way to earn a raspy voice for two days now.

I did the sprint race on Saturday and was mostly out there to enjoy myself. I had some goals, but spent more of my 2 hours of racing enjoying the scenery than worrying about my pacing. As a nice aside, I did meet my goals (sort of) and managed not to get sunburned.

On Sunday, I had a great time cheering and worked on trombone-ing with one of the Z-horns (aka vuvuzela, but we've had them in the team cheering box since way before the world cup). I learned that I am still unable to ring a cowbell with my left hand and that if I give away my cowbell, I am likely to try to ring the Z-horn.

Race Details:

* Swim - the swim was beautiful. I've never been in open water with that kind of visibility. While it was probably warm enough to get by without a wetsuit, I'm glad I wore one. It's more fun to imagine being a seal if you're all neoprened up. (Goal: < 15 min, met the goal)

* Bike - went out a little hard and sort of felt like dying at the top of the first hill 3 miles in. It got much better from then, and I thought of Iwan who yelled "Use the big gear" frequently on this relatively flat course. Did anyone else see the big metal fish between miles 8 and 9? It would have helped to notice that the race was 16 miles, not 12 - 14 like I thought. The last two miles felt very long considering that I didn't know they were coming. (Goal: < 70 min, met the goal)

* Run - I still have to get better at bringing the resolve that I have at Weds track practice out to a race. I did run/walk intervals and was very disciplined in keeping the walks brief, but I would have loved to have been able to make the run intervals longer. I set my goal for this part thinking it was a 3.1 mile run, when actually it was 3.2, which is more than a minute difference at my running pace. (Goal: < 40 min, did not meet the goal, but did set a new best running pace at a triathlon, which would have been < 40 if it had only been a 5k)

Future Goals:
This year, it will be my third year doing the Luray Sprint (coming up in August) and I'm excited to see my progress on that course.
Swim - < 16 min non-wetsuit or < 14 min with wetsuit
Bike - < 80 min (stretch goal)
Run - < 40 min (stretch goal on those hills)
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