(no subject)

Jan 11, 2010 15:58

Since last writing, I successfully got quotes for refinancing, decided it would be dumb to do right now, and bought a car.

I've also kept up with the triathlon-ing, and since getting the car, have been going to the occasional swim practice in addition to running and biking.

Winter has set in hard here, with almost 20 inches of snow on Dec 19th and occasional refresher snows since. There's a chance that it will be in the 40s during the day later this week, which will help some of the piles of snow melt away, but will also probably mean icy roads at night and in the morning. Good thing I still remember how to get to work without driving :)

The packing for the Luray triathlon weekend in August was successful, and I managed to do the Sprint and Oly distance in the same weekend. I had some significant blisters, but otherwise felt ok. I certainly wasn't "racing" them. I think that this year, I don't need to prove that I can do two days of endurance events, but I think I'll go back to Luray, since that was where I did my first race in 2008.

The running continues to get better. My speed for long runs hasn't improved so much, but I'm certainly capable of jogging for much longer distances than ever before. Right now, I'm getting ready for a half-marathon at the end of March and did a 9 mile run yesterday. I can clearly remember thinking that my friends who were training for a marathon and said "it's not so bad, you just keep doing longer runs" were crazy, as I struggled to jog for a whole 2.5 miles on the treadmill.

Thankfully this week is a recovery week, but supposedly by the end of January, I will have run 10 and 11 miles. eep!

I'm also doing a 5K this weekend and I know from track workouts that I can run 1000m hard-ish, and repeatedly, so I plan to go for 1K then walk a bit, 5 times and may get a new best 5K time. Maybe.

I have lots of goals for the year, including distances for running, biking, swimming, and limits on the number of times I'll go to my local pizza place. There may be a bar chart in the future.
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