Jan 23, 2009 09:31
i am cautiously pessimistic concerning our new president. yes, he is making history, but history also tells me i shouldn't expect too much from obama. as aaron mcgruder put i "just b/c 'our guy' won, doesn't mean that all that stuff we were mad about doesn't still exist. why, just because 'our guy' won, do we immediately become so critical?" i think he has a point. to some extent, it's been shocking how uncritical some people have become in light of obama's victory. remember, he is a politician.
i am by no means saying that i think obama is a bad person or is going to be a bad president. i just think that i have to be a realist is this situation. i hope obama does brings about the much needed change about which he has so passionately spoken.
indeed, i like barack obama, and i really hope that he is everything that everyone else thinks he will be.