Name: Stephanie Kay
Age: 3 weeks shy of 22
Where did you find out about us?
HarryHermione What Wizarding World profession/occupation would you choose and why?
I'd be a Healer, I'm a nurse in real life, so being a healer appeals to me. I love how wizarding medicine seems very holistic, and how seems to emphasize one-on-one interaction with patients. I guess its not very imaginative to just pick the WW job that is closest to your own, but honestly, I love health care, I love my field and I really can't see myself doing anything else, magical or otherwise.
What Hogwart’s subject would you like to teach and why?
History of Magic? I've always liked history, and its a shame that its so dull at Hogwarts. Although I suppose ghosts don't ever retire do they? So I'm not sure that spot would ever be vacant. Other than that, maybe Herbology or Charms-though I've never been all that good at demonstrating things. Hmm- can i just have Madame Pomfrey's job? I know she doesn't teach a subject- but I can't think of a good answer for this one.
What would your animagus form be, if you had a say in the matter, and why?
A cat, and I don't even like cats-but I'm pretty sure thats what i'd be. I see cats as being guarded in their affections and somewhat sneaky. Cats are slow to trust people, and can come and go with out being seen. They are independent animals that fend for themselves. They can be standoffish. These are all things that also apply to me. So- a cat.
What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Hermione. She's smart, and passionate about what she believes in. She cares more about her friends and the issues of the world at large then her personal life- which is me. I tend to get more wrapped up in my friends lives then my own, which can be a problem. I also think Hermione hides behind her intelligence, which I am guilty of. Hermione's never going to be the most popular girl at Hogwarts- but those close to her depend on her and love her for who she is.
What do you think you would see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Me in control of my life. No debts, no doubts, no nagging unresloved issues, just me- proud of myself and what i have accomplished. That and a book on the best seller list(my pipe dream)
If you were could invent one spell/potion/charm, what would it do, how would you use it, and what would it be called?
Well I hate to be a broken record, but it would have to be something related to healing- maybe something to reverse some of those really bad curses- to help people like the Longbottoms. A charm to give them their minds back, or at least help them a little. Now that I think about it, the WW doesn't have much in the way of- mental health, so maybe that is something I could remedy.
If given the chance, would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire to compete as a Triwizard Champion? Why or why not?
Nope. I suppose I'd entertain a fantasy or two about it, but I would never really do it- I would know I wouldn't be picked. I'm not overwhelmingly athletic, nor do I really want glory, at least not in that way.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
I don't know if boggarts can do this, but I have serious claustrophobia, so it would be a small space, a loud, crowded small space, just closing in all around me. Then if I could, I would turn it into a large brightly lit outdoor space. But again, I'm not sure boggarts can do that.
What do you look for in a friend?
I look for people I can be silly and random with, people I can have long talks with about both Politics and.. Degrassi Jr High. People who will go to church or a bar with me, a street fair or a muesuem. An afternoon hike, or midnight ice cream run at the Eat N Park. Doing charity work, or shopping. I can be a whole mess of contridtions, and I like people who can ride them out with me.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
I don't understand people who go through life with out morals or convictions. I am full of such strong convictions and morals that sometimes I exhaust myself. I can't understand people who go the way the wind takes them, changing principles from one conversation to another. I can't understand people who don't ever look outside themselves long enough to form opinions about what is going in the world, or even their own towns.
What trait most annoys you about yourself?
I'm too independat for my own good. Sometimes I wish I could bring myself to just ask for help when I need it, but I can't. Ever. Seriously, its a little absurd, I don't even like it when people help me with crosswords. I wish I could just open up more and let people help me.
What do you think are your top four abilities or qualities?
~I'm Idealistic like I said above, I have really strong morals and convictions. When I believe in things i believe in them strongly. My ideals are really important to me, and a huge part of who I am
~That said i'm easy going when it comes to a lot of things. I'm never going to be the person to start the fight or cause drama. It takes a lot to freak me out. It just seems like such a waste of energy to me- to obbess about some emabarssing incident or mean remark.
~I'm smart. I was one of those annoying people who never studied and still got all A's, Until collge, when I actually had to work. I've spent my whole life hearing how smart I am, and how I should have studied and applied myself more.
~I'm empathetic. People have said to me that I just, "understand". I have no trouble putting myself in other people's shoes.
What do you think are your top four weaknesses or worst qualities?
~My Depression. I've been seeing a therapist and on medications for years now, but there have been several times when the depression has messed up my life.
~Procrastination. I leave everything till the last minute all the time.
~I still zone and Daydream, at 22. I have mild ADD, and causes the zoning out, and the 40 stories i've sarted then not finished, sitting in my files.
~I used to be really bad at asserting myself. I'm getting better lately, I stand up for myself more and don't run from confrontations as much- but it is still something I should work on.
You were just given a pensieve as a gift, what memories would you choose to place in it and why?.
There are things in my past I'd like to be able to analyze. I would put in things I don't quite understand either because of my own actions or someone elses, and use the penseive to study them.
What are your feelings on the Dark Arts? Are you for it, against it, or indifferent about it?
I have to quote Sirius in Ootp here, "The world isn't just divided into good people and death eaters." You don't have to use the dark arts to be evil. So its most likely also possible to use the dark arts, and be a good person. I don't think its a black and white issue, there's grey area there. They are not something I would personally choose to use, but I'm not comfortable making a flat-out condemnation.
Which character from Harry Potter is your favorite and why?
Luna. She brings such humor to the books. I love her Lion hat that roars, I love her radish earings, and butterbeer bottle cap necklace. I love her crush on Ron. She's honest and unafraid of what other people think. She talks about how she never had friends before, without expecting pity. She's so refreshing. Her Quidditch commentary was classic.
Which character from Harry Potter is your LEAST favorite and why (You may not say Voldemort, Umbridge, or any known Death Eaters since they are written with the intention of dislike)?
I've never really liked Hagrid. He just irritates me. He's always putting their lives in danger with his attempts to befriend some creature or another. Making their lives that much more difficult, and the trio doesn't need anymore complications in their daily lifes. I don't know, we're supposed to find Hagrid lovable, but he just gets on my nerves.
As a student at Hogwarts, how would you spend your free time?
I've always wondered about the other activties at Hogwarts besides quidditch, I mean there must be other clubs and things, so I'd have to look into that. I'd be a big supporter of my house quidditch team, I love watching sports, just not playing them. I would read, and send letters. I love getting mail.
Which class do you think you would do well in? Why?
Transfiguration sounds fun. I like a challenge, otherwise I get bored and don't pay attention, and as I've already said, I always liked History so i guess History of Magic too.
Which class do you think you wouldn't do well in and why?
I think Potions would be a struggle for me. It sounds a lot like Chemistry, and that was one of my biggest academic hurdles. Or maybe Divination? It seems to me that if you aren't a seer, you don't stand a chance.
If you were on your house Quidditch team what position would you LIKE to play and why?
As i said above, I'd rather watch sports than play them.
If you were on your house Quidditch team what position do you think you SHOULD play and why?
I really don't think I'd get picked.
Which of the Harry Potter books was your favorite and why?
It used to be PoA without a doubt, but the more times I read Ootp, the more I love it. Umbridge's quill that carves words into your hand and writes with your blood? That still makes me shudder. I can't read the Weasley twin's exit without a huge dorky smile on my face. I love when Mcgonagal tells Peeves it unscrews the other way. I like the DA meetings, and Harry's first kiss. I still love PoA for all its twists and turns, and because i think its the first time Jo stopped writing just for kids. I think its a tie.
Which Harry Potter book was your least favorite and why?
CoS. Its too, "boys adventure" for me. I always hated that sort of story. Its a mark of my love of Harry Potter that I got through it all.
Which Harry Potter movie was your favorite and why?
GoF. I just thought it was so well done. It was FUNNY which i wasn't expecting. There were cuts, but I didn't feel they were as bad as PoA, which I like, but everyone I know who hasn't read the books was really confused by. Anyway, I thought the things they added into GoF were cute and funny- and the canon that was portrayed was done really well.
Which Harry Potter movie was your least favorite and why?
CoS. Same reasons as for the book.
If you could change ONE thing in the series, what would it be and why?
Well shipping prefernces aside- I really wish HPB had accomplished more as a book. I liked the backstory and the Voldemort parts, but I found the rest to be- irrelevent. I mean yes, Dumbledore died, and Malfoy dabbled in evil, but I think we were all expecting that. I just feel like the overall plot of the series wasn't advanced that much, and that for book 7 to end well its going to have to explain a lot.
I think it is safe to say that Harry Potter is full of symbolism, so to go along with that, please click on the specified links and follow the directions.
Go to this site: Symbolism: Colors
Pick the color that most appeals to you and copy and paste what it says about you:
Orange can represent energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, flamboyant, and demanding of attention.
Do you agree?
I don't think i demand attention, but the warmth maybe. I've always associated orange with sunny summer days, so thats why i picked it. Enthusiasm is me too I think- that takes us back to ideals and and convictions again.
Go to this site: Symbolism: Elements
Pick the element that appeals to you most and copy and paste what it says about you:
As stated in the Intro, water is an element usually associated with girls and women. Water can also be used to show love or concern. Characters and things that are shown to have a 'watery' quality to them usually have a blue-colored theme to them. Blue because of the primarily blue color of water. Characters that have a 'watery' quality to them are more likely to 'go with the flow', but can also show very chaotic responses as well.
Water is frequently associated with women because it is theorized that life first came from water (new life comes from women), without water every living thing would die (without women, a species would die), it can take many forms and shapes (as can women), and religiously women are tied to water (such as the Greek parthanon goddess Aphrodite who was born of the sea foam). This can be shown by the female character being a swimmer, with the girls touching still lakes or ponds, or with a water colored costume, or with a preponderance of water pokemon. Water can also be shown to show a female character being scared and frightened about the changes happening to her; physically, mentally, and emotionally - that is water has no fixed shape or form, and is in a state of constant flux, just as girls are as they go through adolescence. This can be shown by having the girl panic when she gets into a pool or lake, or be afraid of water. In addition, water can be used as an erotic tool. Hair and skin look much different when wet; and when you normally see a girl with dry hair and skin, it can add a bit of eroticism to her if her hair is wet. Clothes also fold and adhere differently when they are wet.
However, water can also symbolize love because it isn't stagnant (and love is constantly evolving), it can come in many forms (people love different things for many different reasons), and it is very difficult to grasp water (as it is usually very difficult for the heroines in shoujo stories to sort out their feelings for the other characters). This can be illustrated in an Anime by showing two leaves in a pool of moving water... where you're not sure if they two leaves will meet, or part. Or by the rain when the hero or heroine realizes that the one they love they might not be able to be with. Common symbolisms include storms and rainfall indicating sadness or heartbreak, snow indicating coldness of heart, dark clouds covering the Moon (eternal symbol of femininity) indicating dark events for the girl(s), bright fluffy clouds indicating positive change and optimism, and clear skies indicating perfect events and a clear future.
Do you agree?
Yes- particualry the 'go with the flow' part.
Go to this site: Zodiac
Click on your Zodiac sign and copy and paste what it says about you:
Surrender to the universe, to higher goals; ego sacrifice; compassion and empathy, selfless work; seeing the unity of all things; the ends of cycles, forming "seeds" for the next cycle of growth; spirit as individual dissolving back into pure spirit.
Mysticism, escape into the One; sees the unity, fails to make "normal" distinctions, often weak ego; victim, martyr, servant; tends to escapism, fantasy, drugs (especially alcohol), religion; very receptive, sensitive, even psychic; co-dependency, care-taking; withdrawn from the world;
Do you agree?
I've always thought I was an ideal Pisces. So yes- although, i'm not co-dependant. I'm extreemly independant despite my other Pisces traits.
Go to this site: Choose your wand.
Pick your wand and then paste what the site says about your wand:
Your wand is good in Arithmacy! You should be very good in that area.
Let’s do a little word association here (you may go over one word, but please keep it concise). When you hear the following words you immediately think…
Courage: Lions.
Loyalty: Family.
Intelligence: Books
Ambition: Success
Name a person, alive, dead or even a character from a movie or book, that you most admire. Why do you admire this person?
My little sister, Bridget. She's 8 years old, and she is my inspiration in life. Bridget is brilliant and feisty, she's tiny for her age, but she has the attitude to make up for it. She's my favorite person in the whole world, and the coolest person I know. Bridget understands people, she senses things, and she's not afraid to tell you. I admire Bridget because she doesn't let anything or anyone stand in the way of what she wants. She fights with my brother, who is 6'3, she just runs at him shaking her little fists. She inspires me everyday.
If you could own any magical creature, what would it be?
An Owl, because like all the cool kids have them. No, not really, because as I said earlier I love to write letters. Getting mail is one of my favorite things in the world. So an own would be great to have. Plus they seem faithful and loyal, Hedwig loves Harry, and thats sweet.
What is the worst quality you believe that a person, any person, can possess?
Well like i said above, I hate when people don't care, when lack convictions, or when those convictions change from day to day. How you can not care about other people or the state of the world is beyong me. Caring about something makes you part of something bigger than yourself, and accept it or not what happens in the world affects each and every one of us. You can ignore it all you want, but laws, wars, pollution, it will affect your life in some way. So care, get involved and educate yourself.
Which house do you feel you belong in and why?
I think I'm either a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, though I can see some Hufflepuff in myself too. I think I am more Gryffindor than anything else, mostly for my idealism, which I've always thought of as a gryff trait.
What house do you think you WOULDN'T belong in and why?
I'd make an awful slytherin. sometimes wish I had more slytherin like qualities- I'd like to be a little more cunning, and I'd like to be able to make my own goals and ambitions a higher priority in my life. I'd feel like a huge fake in the slytherin house.
Why do you want to be part of this community? Will you remain active in the sub-communities and voting after you've been stamped in a house?
I love Sorting communites, I love new communites, I'm a big live journal addict, and I like the idea behind this one. So yes.