Jan 27, 2007 07:39
i got a new job. i work at the reservation. on the overnight shift. you should come visit me. no, i don't get a discount. i wish i did.
the new camel no.9's are the BEST cigarettes in creation. not only is the package hot pink and black, but they taste amazing.
i have a cell phone. it's the hot pink razr. im me, send a message over myspace...you'll get the number.
anthony is amazing...he got me the phone. i know we've only been together for a month...but he's amazing. he's exactly the guy that i've been searching for for awhile. you don't understand how great our relationship is.
moving out in april-ish...getting a second job.
found out something shitty about school...apparently i was kicked out of school because of last semester and i didn't know because my mom's new habit is opening MY mail. bitch. whatever.
i didn't get cast at nccc this semester. i'm really really upset about it...you have no idea.
sleep now.
oh, and if you're going to call me out, don't be a fucking pussy and just go ahead and call me out to my face. not in a myspace survey. and stop acting like you're innocent. cause you're not. you actually really suck. kthanksbye.