Jun 15, 2008 11:50
We are in the third, and sadly, final day of our stay at the historic and luxurious Arizona Inn. We have procured an extended check-out and will be getting our act together soon for a leisurely family meal at Red Lobster before ambling our way homeward.
It has been a lovely, relaxing, recharging weekend. The Arizona Inn, recommended to us by Jennifer Ashley, is one of the most luxurious hotels I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. In the summer they run screaming specials that make it totally affordable. Like the Titanic, the Arizona Inn's standard accommodations are far from standard. Unlike the Titanic, not an iceberg in sight. Yeah, it was a 105 degrees here yesterday, but it was a dry 105. *snicker* It was 107 at home.
Friday we visited my mother-in-law, did a bit of furniture delivery, had a late but much enjoyed meal at Mimi's, and then checked into the hotel and crashed. Saturday we had breakfast in a nearly deserted hotel restaurant. It is a classy place, they have finger bowls and house-made orange marmalade. I took a nap after breakfast. Patrick snapped his leash and went tooling about. He came back to the hotel to take me to lunch at Beyond Bread and then abandoned me for many hours at Bookman's and the Unicef store. This is the kind of marital neglect I live for.
We then trooped over to Bruce and Peggy's place for a steak dinner that was divine and the height of summer simplicity. I am very close to being a veggie-sauraus and my friends all know this, so when I went back for the other half of the steak they had prepared in my honor, our dear friends teased me mercilessly. Bruce knows how to cook a steak, baby.
This morning we opted for the poolside brunch that is included in the very reasonable summer special rate the Inn offers and I ate my weight in fruit, bacon and two buttery croissants. With the orange marmalade and strawberry jam. I then hopped in the pool to work it off. I met up with another devotee of water aerobics and we passed a very enjoyable hour and fifteen minutes working out and trading life stories. Her family story was brilliant, fascinating and before we knew it we had done our penance for the lavish breakfast and sadly went back to our schedules. I live for encounters like this. People are so damned interesting. I also briefly enjoyed the company of a young Irish couple with their adorable toddler.
So now it is time to pack the suitcase and get dressed for lunch. I love this place. Thank you, Jennifer, once again for telling us about it.