
Jun 19, 2014 12:47

This week might be a mountain of stress (family health issues + car repair), but today I am getting my hair done! (I see the inside of a hair place about once a year, so this is a treat.)

I've been letting it grow out (including my bangs) for awhile so that I'd have ample hair for whatever I decided to do, with the added bonus that it makes me look even older, as I have about 30% grey now. Time to have some fun!

This afternoon I'll be headed out to the 'tragically hip' salon for an interesting cut and a color not found in nature. :) Before and after photos will be posted later.

What else is going on? Um...I started knitting a hat for the boychild, I'm spinning some sparkly wool, I miss the little one (who went up to spend the summer at her Granny's house)...I'm watching a lot of television. And I'm reading, of course. Right now I'm in the middle of "The Pilgrims", "Lockstep", and "Dark Eden". I finished the new Dresden Files novel (verdict: meh) and "My Real Children" (verdict: Not as good as 'Among Others' but possibly better than I thought because my expectations were so high). Work is work (people are idiots OMG and I have so very little patience with them).

Also, I'm deeply disappointed that none of you want to talk about cheesy Korean television and its devastatingly cute male actors. I never thought Asian features were particularly attractive, but Lee Min Ki, Kwon Hyun Sang (see also gif below), Cha Seung Won, and Lee Seung Gi (subtitled: Boom! Pregnant), have made me see the error of my ways (yes, I know - it's like gauging American male attractiveness based on the hottest actors in Hollywood. Shut up.)

[vampire gif]

korean tv

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