May 23, 2014 07:31
I own a device that fits in my purse, and will allow me to watch TV shows from halfway around the world. ::hugs Kindle to bosom:: Oh, technology, I ::heart:: you.
I finished watching "Who Are You?" on Hulu (South Korean show about a detective who wakes up from a coma and can see spirits.) It had a season-long, involved arc (always a plus for me!), and even if it sometimes got romance in my spooky detecting, I enjoyed it. Lots of plot twists and a few spooky ghosts. I found it interesting that the romance is very g-rated - lots of smiles and hand-holding and meaningful looks and hugs and only a couple of (fairly chaste) kisses.
Also, there's a Shaman who can see and hear ghosts, and who is very focused on her business. When a ghost comes to her and asks her to help him, she says "And what are you going to do for me? There's nothing free, in this world or the next." ::snerk::
Now I'm going to watch the first season of "Vampire Prosecutor" (also free on Hulu) and then "The Master's Sun" (more ghosties, of the scarier variety.) I watched part of the first episode, and I have a sneaking suspicion this is a romantic comedy with scary ghosts. Hmm.
TL; DR: You guys, go watch these so I have somebody to talk about them with!
getting my geek on,
korean tv