Title: Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!)
harmonyangelFandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)
Pairing: Roy Mustang/Maes Hughes
Word Count: 900
Rating: PG-13 for implied sexuality
Summary: It was a yearly tradition at the Academy: at the end of the boots' first year, they put on a drag fashion show for the upperclassmen as a last rite of initiation. (Roy Mustang
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And I also want the story where Hughes and Havoc try to get Riza and Rebecca to tell them what the ladies' ceremony was like. I'm assuming whatever Riza did involved guns. . .
Rebecca keeps ALMOST accidentally telling, but Riza always stops her. It's an important secret.
(I don't actually have thoughts on what their ceremony might BE, as my only experience with girls' initiation activities is from Girl Scouts, and I assume military women are more hardcore.)
(I don't know either, but it likely involves making fun of the guys).
Also, can we talk about what happens when the Roy Mustang drag-show pictures get leaked to the media, in an attempt to damage his political career. He picks the best one and has it included in a campaign brochure, without comment. The guy who leaked the pictures, who is attached to the Armstrong camp, was fired by Olivier Mira, personally. "Did you think that would EMBARRASS Mustang? Do you KNOW the man?"
Interestingly, a lot of people swore there was a picture of Roy grabbing Hughes by the tie, but it disappeared without a trace. Riza found it years later, while cleaning out Roy's desk, but she put it back in the envelope where she found it.
Though the other sad thing about it (sorry!) is how innocent Roy is here. Not sexually, obviously, because that ship sailed years ago, but you know -- full of dreams and no idea of the compromises he's going to have to make.
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